Domestic Marital Abuse Against Women - sorry, that
In Her Words is available as a newsletter. Sign up here to get it delivered to your inbox. Early last week, as the novel coronavirus exploded from state to state, a woman called the National Domestic Violence Hotline in a crisis: Her partner had tried to strangle her and she needed medical help, but feared going to the hospital because of the virus. Another woman was being forced to choose between work and home. But with schools shut, turning to a teacher or a counselor for help was not an option. First, as lawmakers across the country order lockdowns to slow the spread of the virus, the lives of people stuck in physically or emotionally abusive relationships have — and will — become harder, which has already been seen in the pandemic hotspots of China and Italy. Second, the virus raises the stakes for domestic violence services across the country as they scramble to adapt to a patchwork of new government policies and restrictions that shift day by day and vary from state to state. Domestic Marital Abuse Against WomenThe Legal State. It has been 70 years of our independence but women in our country are still living in fear and dark and more steps for their improvement are yet to be taken.
![Domestic Marital Abuse Against Women Domestic Marital Abuse Against Women](
Marriage is considered a sacramental union between the two parties i. However, in Indian law marriage is considered to be a license of sexual intercourse and in all the personal law it has been considered that the main object of marriage is to making of a sexual relationship between two parties.
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In our country it has been assumed that if a man and woman are marrying then it means they have already consented for having a sexual relationship, marriage is considered as implied consent for sexual intercourse. Marriage is considered to be the authorization of consented sexual relationships and it should not be and it Domestic Marital Abuse Against Women not an authorization to rape. Marital rape is not recognized as an offense under Indian Law because the sole purpose of marriage in our country is considered as procreation of children and the promotion of family.
![Domestic Marital Abuse Against Women Domestic Marital Abuse Against Women](
In our society it has been considered that fulfilling all the needs of her husband is the first duty of wife whether she wants it or not, if the husband wants then she has to do this is the mentality of our society and due to this thinking and culture women are tortured and exploited by husband and they face mental torture and cruelty by the husband as well as physical torture but our law and order have provision for only mental cruelty and physical cruelty and marital rape is excluded from INDIAN PENAL CODE, The word RAPE in IPC defines under section but Domestic Marital Abuse Against Women second exception to Domestic Marital Abuse Against Women section excludes the rape by the husband of his wife if she is not under the age of 15 years, this section says that sexual intercourse or sexual act of a man with Abuee wife not under the age of 15, is not rape.
This exception to section is violative of article 14 because this section distinguishes between women of one age with another woman. Law should not make difference between women based on their age and rape is rape Abusw it is of married women or a girl child or a girl student or an old woman.
Legal Information for Victims
The second exception also infringes Article 21 of the constitution which says about the right to live with human dignity. This exception infringes on the fundamental right of women i.
![Domestic Marital Abuse Against Women Domestic Marital Abuse Against Women](
Another question that is the question remains is of consent if she expressly said no then no means no. Many women have suffered this offense and at present many are suffering from this. Many countries in the world like Australia, Canada have recognized marital rape as an offence and violation of human rights but India is among one of the thirty-sixth countries who have not criminalized the marital rape. India is yet to recognize the same. Continue reading pressure of society has put so much stress on them and they think society will abuse them and call them that they have failed in Domestic Marital Abuse Against Women a good wife.
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According to statistics obtained by one survey very less number of women seek the help of law in this kind of offense and our government has denied that marital rape occurs. And at other hospitals also Donestic like KEM and Sion hospital calculating their number cases of domestic violence have been reported and among Domestic Marital Abuse Against Women 64 reported of marital rape. Many cases of marital rape come to the hospital but they merely get registered because our criminal code excludes it from the definition of rape. The basic difference between rape and consensual sexual intercourse is that the former have no consent of the women and it is imposed upon her against her will and later has the consent of her.]
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