Diabetic Patients An Ignored Cause Of Abdominal - amazonia.fiocruz.br

Diabetic Patients An Ignored Cause Of Abdominal

Diabetic Patients An Ignored Cause Of Abdominal Video

Diabetes Related Stomach Problems - Can Diabetes Cause Stomach Problems? Diabetic Patients An Ignored Cause Of Abdominal.

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Type 2 diabetes is one of the most common disease in this modern ages. Like many other modern disease, type 2 diabetes also much contribute to unhealthy lifestyle. Unluclily, like other modern age disease, the symptoms are only clear once the disease reach the advance stage. With this being said, early detection of this disease is very important. To control diabetes, it is important to maintain healthy lifestyle by Diahetic the right diet, and sufficient exercise. As long as the disease is under control, patient will be able to live a normal life.

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Other than maintain a healthy lifestyle, it is also important for you not to overlook the early sign of diabetes. In this article you will find some some early warning signs of diabetes that you need to be aware of.

Diabetic Patients An Ignored Cause Of Abdominal

Hormone that can balance blood sugar levels called insulin. Under the condition of diabetes, this hormone can be reduce which may cause the following symptoms:.

Urinating frequently or during the night for several times can be a warning sign of diabetes. The process of getting rid the excess glucose from blood makes kidney to work Patuents harder which result in frequent urination. High sugar level in the blood can also has negative impact on the eyes which can change the shape of the lens and eyes.

This will make your vision become blurry.

Diabetic Patients An Ignored Cause Of Abdominal

You Pqtients also see flashes or light occasionally. This condition demand immediate treatment because if it happen for longer period of time if could lead to permanent eyesight loss. Frequent urination leads to dehydration, your body will do something to replace the fluid and so the need to drink increased. This symptom is closely connected to the previous one.]

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