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Log In Sign Up. Download Free PDF. David Lantigua. Download PDF. A short summary of this paper. Beginning with the Catholic crown of Isabel and Ferdinand at the end of the fifteenth century, religious reforms were the heart and soul of the Critical Reflection Of Aquinas Renaissance. Ignatius of Loyola and his companions established the global missionary order of the Jesuits, known for their disciplined spiritual exercises and considerable intellectual formation. Reform was also vital to the survival of medieval mendicant orders.
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Cisneros also spearheaded the completion of the Ot polyglot Bible in Hebrew, Greek, and Latin. InAlonso de Burgos, OP, bishop of Palencia, founded the independent and elite Dominican college of San Gregorio of Valladolid for theological study and teaching. Even so, the historic city of Salamanca provided the seedbed of Thomistic renewal during the Golden Age of Spain.
Salamanca was also the site of the Dominican priory of San Esteban St Stephenlocated just steps away from the university.
San Esteban, under the headship of Diego de Deza d. Deza inhabited the Prima Chair Critical Reflection Of Aquinas theology at the University of Salamanca during the s where he improved the study of Aquinas both at the university and at San Esteban. Salamanca became fertile ground for the widespread reception of Aquinas among vari- Salamanca was also the centre for the study of law in Spain, which significantly shaped the Thomistic theological renewal. This chapter gives Reflecton attention to the first-generation theologians of the Salamanca school, whose careers both overlapped with the reign of Emperor Charles V —56 and intersected with the Council of Trent — It also considers the Salmantine theological legacy for subsequent generations of the Critical Reflection Of Aquinas second scho- lastic.
The chapter in no way seeks to exhaust the expansive theological reception of Aquinas in early modern Spain. Instead, it isolates three prodigious and interrelated areas of his influence on moral thought: theological method, the sacrament of penance, and economic and political ethics. Theological Method in the School of Salamanca The theological Criticql of the Burgos-born Dominican Francisco de Vitoria — is difficult to overstate.

Melchor Cano had no shortage of praise for his Salamanca teacher, whom he considered an inimitable genius. After Vitoria accepted the invitation from Juan Hurtado de Mendoza read more teach at Salamanca inhe brought Critical Reflection Of Aquinas new Parisian teaching method of reading and lecturing on the Summa for theological education, instead of the Sentences of Lombard.
Vitoria had the vision to raise new questions while marshalling an array of theological, philosophical, and legal sources to address them, Aquinas most prominently. In contrast to a Protestant tendency to reduce theologi- cal sources, Cano broadened their scope along an authoritative axis of at least ten, of which scripture held first priority 8— The revealed counterpart to scrip- ture, the apostolic tradition, provided the authoritative ground for other Christian loci that included the Critical Reflection Of Aquinas Church, the councils, the popes, church fathers and the saints, scholastic theologians and canonists.

Among these latter sources, Cano referred to natural reason, philosophers, Critical Reflection Of Aquinas, and, remarkably, human history. This histori- Yet Thomistic theology at Salamanca also dis- tinguished itself from the traditional speculative approach of scholasticism seen among individual Thomists Juan de Torquemada and Cardinal Cajetan. Even though these great figures within the Thomistic tradition current topics like conciliarism and Lutheranism, their theological style adhered to the long-standing scholastic prac- tice of commenting on authoritative philosophical and theological texts and defending Catholic orthodoxy through apologetic treatises.
The school of Salamanca did not aban- don these traditional practices. In addition, the school deliberately sought greater methodo- logical openness by introducing new forms of theological writing, the most significant of which were the relectiones, formalized by Vitoria, and the moral treatises on law and justice composed by Soto.

The first-generation Dominican theologians of the Salamanca school between them held the Prima Chair consecutively for three decades: Vitoria —46Cano — 51and Soto —6. Over those years, they delivered almost thirty relectiones on wide- ranging topics like almsgiving, heresy, marriage, and war. The authority of scripture provided the hermeneutical starting-point locus relegendus for these formal, uninterrupted lectures.]
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