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The manner in which a civilization develops is in direct correlation with the quality and nature of its literature. Literary masterpieces are treasure troves to be read, analyzed, and enjoyed. At first, many ancient masterpieces may seem hard to comprehend for a novice reader; however, the effort exerted to grasp their merit is well worth the result. A Yiddish saying states that life without creativity is existence without joy. Exposure to literary masterpieces began in my high school years. Ontario educational standards required every student to take classes in Greek, Roman, and Norse literature. Learning ancient Greek and Latin enriched my education and understanding of the value of their literature, and studies of the techniques and styles of each genre. Comprehending the nuances of their languages enhanced the comprehension of these masterpieces. Also I learned illiteracy of the general populous was the reason for early writings written in poetic format so it could be sung. Compare Contrast Greek and Roman Art Compare Contrast Greek and Roman Art

Night was a non-fiction novel written by a Jewish boy who was in an actual concentration camp. Gdeek the two stories, there were differences in perspective, mood, and overall message. Because Elie and Bruno come from different origins, their perspective in the stories are very different.

Being taken out of his home and put through the terrors of a concentration camp, Elie and the other Jews involved saw Nazis as extremely horrid people. The Nazi soldiers were the antagonists in Night. Bruno and his family throughout most of the story had no idea what the Nazis were doing to the Jews; they saw the Nazis as people helping their country.

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Not until the end of the movie did the family realize the terrible Compare Contrast Greek and Roman Art the Nazis were doing to the Jews. In Night, Elie attempts to present his voice through his writing. I believe that Night and The Boy in the Striped Pajamas each had their own message to Grfek, and their messages had both similarities and differences. Elie Wiesel wrote the book to tell people about the terrifying and horrific events that took place in his life and to try Contast prevent anything like the Holocaust from happening again. Viewers were exposed to what many Germans went through in finding out what happened to the Jews. Night and The Boy in the Striped Pajamas show two extremely interesting perspectives towards the Holocaust when it came to perspective, mood, and final message. Even though they have their differences, they still provided a story that teach people about the tragedy that happened during the Holocaust and humbles those people.

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Compare Contrast Greek and Roman Art

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Compare Contrast Greek and Roman Art

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