![[BKEYWORD-0-3] Communication of The Hearing Impaired](https://knoxhearing.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/Communication-tips.jpg)
Int J Dentistry Oral Sci. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
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Abstract Background and Aim : Hearing impaired patient have often imposed an unsatisfied dental experience. In the health care area, there is often little awareness of the communication barriers faced by the deaf and, in dentistry, the attitude adopted towards the deaf is not always correct.
The study aims to bridge this communication gap between the dentists and see more by assessing their knowledge and thereby instilling awareness on the subject, a positive attitude and a practise management favourable to the patient. Methodology: An electronic survey consisting of a structured questionnaire written in English, made up of 15 questions written in a multiple-choice format was implemented using Google forms and distributed to active Indian dentists in South India in the form of a web link and their responses were Communication of The Hearing Impaired.
Results and Conclusion: The responses generated revealed incompetent standards of knowledge and awareness in regard to communication with hearing impaired patients. This highlights the need for dentists to learn the various ways of communicating with such patients and also managing them in a clinical set up.
Introduction Hearing impairment accounts for 5. Hearing is the usual way of acquiring language, and is the most important attribute of man. Impaires allows humans to communicate with one another and has had a decisive participation in the development of society and its many cultures. Auditory deficit carries personal and social consequences, such Communication of The Hearing Impaired difficulties and conflicts when receiving care from the doctor [2]. In India, 63 million people suffer from significant auditory loss. The estimated prevalence of adult-onset deafness in India was found to be 7.
The extent of related consequences depends on age of onset, training, and acceptance of disability [4]. It has been reported, a dental treatment Haering the greatest unattended health need of the disabled [5]. The main barrier to communication for hearing impaired persons is the lack of consideration by others.

They can face prolonged illnesses due to inadequate communication with their health care providers. Dental practitioners often face difficulty to treat a physically challenged patient because of communication, more office hours, limitation in dental services, and skills [6].
Most often, dental health-care providers find themselves helpless in recording a proper history and explaining the treatment plan to Communication of The Hearing Impaired. Due to complex individual, interpersonal and systemic factors, deaf individuals are often times the recipients of inappropriate or even unethical dental care [7].
Health care providers think that lip-reading and written notes are sufficient for effective communication. Most of the dentists are ignorant to guidelines regarding the subject provided through literature. The hearing-impaired are considered as pathological cases rather than as people who need treatment for a pathology that has nothing to do with their impairment [10]. However, by being prepared, and by preparing the patient, health workers can ensure good communication, thereby giving patients access to appropriate and effective health care [11]. This study was conducted in an attempt to bridge the gap between hearing impaired patients and dentists by bringing about awareness on their knowledge related to the subject thereby instilling a positive attitude and a practise management favourable to the patient.
Methodology Upon approval from the University Institutional Review Board, the proposed survey was conducted between December and January The electronic survey was implemented using Google forms and distributed to active Indian dentists in South India in the form of a web link which led users to an online structured questionnaire in English consisting of 15 questions written in a multiple-choice format Communication of The Hearing Impaired was inclusive of demographic data. The survey was divided into five sections: 1 demographics; and questions regarding 2 information on patient history 3 mode s of communication used 4 knowledge on the priorities of a hearing impaired patient 5 receptiveness of the clinic waiting area.
Respondents were provided a list from which they were asked to choose the most appropriate response s for each question. Participation was voluntary and anonymous.

No incentive was offered. An individual could only submit the form once and their response was non-modifiable after submission. The survey responses were put together and abridged with descriptive statistical analysis and Chi-square tests.]
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