Climate Change An Article By Business Insider -

Climate Change An Article By Business Insider

Climate Change An Article By Business Insider - all not

So far the greening of America has been subtle, driven by market forces, technology and voluntary actions. The Biden administration is about to change that. In a flurry of executive actions in his first eight days in office, the president is trying to steer the U. The United States is rejoining the international Paris climate accord and is also joining many other nations in setting an ambitious goal that once seemed unattainable: net-zero carbon emissions by midcentury. That means lots of changes designed to fight increasingly costly climate disasters such as wildfires, floods, droughts, storms and heat waves. Think of the journey to a carbon-less economy as a road trip from Washington, D. But the road has been pretty smooth so far. General Motors announced Thursday that as of it hopes to go all-electric for its light-duty vehicles, no longer selling gas cars. Climate Change An Article By Business Insider

America has been here and done this before, with a spotty track record.

Steel, timber, manufacturing. Market and political forces have reshaped — and in some cases, wreaked havoc on — local economies powered by a single industry.

Climate Change An Article By Business Insider

Now as the Biden administration outlines its climate change policies, one of the more challenging goals is making sure fossil-fuel driven economies, like coal towns from Appalachia to the Illinois Basin, Climate Change An Article By Business Insider nations and Powder River Basin in the Western U. Amid the slew of executive orders on climate change signed by President Biden on Wednesday was an interagency working group on coal and power plant communities and economic revitalization. The idea is not new. Labor groups and climate policymakers around the globe call it "just transition" for communities on the wrong end of the shift from fossil fuels to renewable sources of energy — a town where a coal mine is shut down or a power plant powered by coal is closed.

But unlike the booms and busts that both coal nIsider oil towns are accustomed to surviving, a permanent shift is different. In the U. The Obama administration created the Power Initiative in to focus on economic development in regions like Appalachia, and even though Congress refused to approve an initial Trump administration budget request to scrap it, funding levels remain too low for the challenge. In the past year, Colorado and New Mexico approved legislation to create just transition Tattoos Tattoos And Tattoos in their states — a state representative Articke West Virginia recently introduced a similar measure.

But experts, including those working on these new state-level efforts, say the scale of the task is massive and much more federal support will be needed.

It needs to be in the billions and it was in the millions One analysis by economists looking at the impact coal has on the economy of Eastern Kentucky found that coal was more important to the region than the auto industry was to Detroit. Locally, this is basic rural economic development.

Climate Change An Article By Business Insider

Clean energy might be part of the answer, but it is not the answer. Inwe tried to rescue an industry. This isn't so much a rescue as phasing it out in a humane and just way.

Biden order to call on business, workers to 'lead a clean energy revolution'

And becomes a weight that the state can't bear alone that creates incredible levels of inequity. Clomate Biden administration's new interagency working group is just a first step, but if there is real follow-through and it is coordinated with the local representatives, it could be one key to moving politicians and stakeholders past a jobs debate that has often devolved into sound bites.

Backers of projects like the Keystone XL Pipeline cancelled by the Biden administration cite the thousands of jobs lost. From the corporate world, a growing number of the largest companies say renewable energy is an engine of job creation.

Climate Change An Article By Business Insider

Meanwhile, key swing votes on Capitol Hillsuch as moderate Democratic Senator Joe Manchin of West Virginia and moderate Republican Senator Lisa Murkowski of Alaska, represent states where fossil fuels remain critical and workers, families and communities remain skeptical about the promise of new opportunities.]

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