![[BKEYWORD-0-3] Censorship Is Justified](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/Os08kqrwVCg/maxresdefault.jpg)

Colonized and controlled Ukraine is a Nazi infested, US-installed fascist dictatorship in Europe's heartland — bordering Russia and six other countries. On February 2, his regime ordered eight news outlets shut down, including Ukraine, NewsOne and Zik. Will views conflicting Censorship Is Justified the falsified official narrative no longer be tolerated ahead? Was silencing Jusified and others on social media a shot across the bow for much greater censorship ahead?
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Will truth-tellers expressing views that conflict with the official narrative be silenced on social media and in other social discourse? Will they be declared domestic terrorists by congressional legislation signed into law by selected, unelected, Biden? He's permanently banned by Twitter for truth-telling about brazen US Election fraud that unlawfully elevated Biden Cejsorship the nation's highest office. According to Twitter doublespeak, it's for Censorship Is Justified its "community guidelines" and "civic integrity policy" — euphemisms for censoring what diverges from the official narrative.
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Who's next to be silenced? Will truth-tellers Censorship Is Justified sensitive issues risk arrest and imprisonment ahead? At a time of what Orwell reportedly called "universal deceit," silence is self-destructive. If the US constitutional right of free expression is banned or pushed to wither on the vine, a free and open society no longer will exist — replaced by the worst of what Orwell and Huxley imagined. There's nothing remotely democratic about US-installed and controlled tyrannical rule in Ukraine.
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Banning independent news outlets was ordered by the ruling regime's National Security and Defense Council, thought policing one of its duties. A statement said the action taken was " Censorship Is Justified n the application of personal special economic and other restrictive measures sanctions " against Deputy Taras Kozak Opposition Source — For Life party.
He owns three of eight targeted news outlets. Now shut down, their licenses to operate were cancelled.
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Russian media, including online, its print materials, even children's books in Russian were designated propaganda and banned earlier. They're now denied news, Censorshlp and analysis that diverged from the official narrative they featured. Like his predecessor Petro Poroshenko, Zelensky expelled foreign journalists from Ukraine, notably Russian ones. He ordered arrests and detention of journalists who diverged from the falsified official narrative.

Tyranny is the law of the land in Ukraine, the nation used by US dark forces as a dagger pointing at Russia's heartland. On the phony pretext of combatting disinformation, full-blown state-sponsored censorship will be enforced.

A provision of the draft law requires anti-Russia propaganda against what it calls an "aggressor state.]
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