Breastfeeding Is The Natural Way Of Providing -

Breastfeeding Is The Natural Way Of Providing

Breastfeeding Is The Natural Way Of Providing Video

10 Natural Ways to boost breast milk Supply Breastfeeding Is The Natural Way Of Providing

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Even when I can get her latched, she only Od in for min, and I have to pump and feed or supplement with formula anyway. Bf was really important to me bc nothing with my pregnancy or delivery went like I would have liked. Bc of covid I missed out on so much of the fun pregnancy stuff We had a latch issue.

Pumping milk offers antibodies but it takes longer for baby to get them versus bf where their saliva sends an order to your body of what they need.

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I debate this in my head all the time haha. I hate pumping but nursing is painful and takes her soooo long and bc of weight gain issues I sometimes pump and supplement with expressed in bottle anyways.

Breastfeeding Is The Natural Way Of Providing

No easy answer. But the reality is it takes baby and mom several weeks like to really get the hang of it. I breastfed, pumped and gave my baby formula in the first few weeks because he was hungry, I was exhausted and everything felt chaotic.

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After we got the hang of things, breastfeeding became the easiest option for me. No bottles to deal with. I pumped once or twice a day for a period of time so I could leave baby at daycare or with a sitter if I needed to be away more than hours. Best for baby is fed, no matter how you choose to do it. Try to be kind to yourself, ease up on any pressure or expectations and give yourself a break, mamma. When were you able to Ntaural supplementing? Thanks for the tip!

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I just sort of gradually tapered off. Breastfeeding is HARD. During that time I ep due to baby not latching from a tongue and lip tie revision. Exclusively pumping is a whole different kind of hard and quite honestly sucks!

Breastfeeding Is The Natural Way Of Providing

That immediately takes a bit of pressure off. It honestly takes time for both you and baby to figure it out.]

Breastfeeding Is The Natural Way Of Providing

One thought on “Breastfeeding Is The Natural Way Of Providing

  1. Excuse, I can help nothing. But it is assured, that you will find the correct decision. Do not despair.

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