Benefits Of Working For Minimum Wage -

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Andrew Yang On How $15 Minimum Wage Hurts Workers - Andrew Yang - POLITICS - Rubin Report Benefits Of Working For Minimum Wage

Fact Sheet Wages, Incomes, and Wealth.

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Download PDF. Low wages hurt all workers and are particularly harmful to Black workers and other workers of color, especially women of color, who make up a disproportionate share of workers who are severely underpaid. This is the result of structural racism and sexism, with an economic system rooted in Benefits Of Working For Minimum Wage slavery in which workers of color—and especially women of color—have been and continue to be shunted into the most underpaid jobs. The Raise the Wage Read more would have the following benefits: 4. Unless otherwise indicated, the figures presented in this fact sheet come from a forthcoming EPI analysis of the Raise the Wage Act. The analysis is based on the Raise the Wage Act. We include the District of Columbia in this list even though it is not a state.

Benefits Of Working For Minimum Wage

Economic Policy Institute analysis of the legislation, forthcoming. Paul J. George L. Wehby, Dhaval M. See related work on Minimum wage Tipped Minimum Wage.

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See related work on Minimum wage and Tipped Minimum Wage. Search for:.

Benefits Of Working For Minimum Wage

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