Analysis Of The Prince By Niccolo Machiavelli -

Analysis Of The Prince By Niccolo Machiavelli Analysis Of The Prince By Niccolo Machiavelli

The Prince by Niccolo Machiavelli: A Critical and Ethical Analysis Critical Analysis of The Prince The Prince presents an extended analysis of the principles that privileged members of the society employ to acquire and maintain political power. In his political treatise, Machiavelli discusses certain political deeds in the society of The Prince that are morally unacceptable and offensive. Machiavelli highlights the four types of principalities that govern leadership in chapter 1. These principalities include the hereditary, mixed, new principality, and ecclesiastical principality Barnett p. The ruler inherits the hereditary principality while mixed principalities involve a leadership scenario whereby territories are annexed to the existing territories of the ruler. Ecclesiastical principalities are mainly concerned with Papal States, which belong to the Catholic Church.

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In essence, every principality applies to given state or country depending on the political environment Barnett p. The people play an essential role in the resolve of the form of Mavhiavelli. The people would be reluctant to accept certain form of leadership and government while assenting to others. The author presents accounts of the role of the church in determining the kind of leadership many people would be compatible with considering their spirituality and religious doctrines Barnett p. According to him, the contemporary society is awash with different forms of leadership whereby majority of the individuals ascending to power through material and charisma. Others are elected courtesy of the will of the people.

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However, a few people use force and criminal acts to become executives of countries, states or local authorities Barnett p. The citizens will also play a major role in the success of the leader upon election or acquisition of power through other alternatives means. The Prince is set at a period of Italian deep activity in art, literature and science Selwyn p.

Analysis Of The Prince By Niccolo Machiavelli

This was the characterized by moral decadence and corruption mainly demonstrated by the conduct of Pope Alexander VI. Like many writers, Machiavelli employs the doctrine of reason of state to show the idea that the stability and well-being of a country or state is imperative. Hence, those in power should make stability of the state and welfare a priority in their habitual leadership strategies Selwyn p.

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In states where leaders ascend to power upon undergoing a rigorous and competitive election, it is essential for all leaders in their capacities of leadership to observe the will of the people. In essence, they should give the citizens a chance to enjoy the fruits of the leadership upon successfully electing their leader.

Analysis Of The Prince By Niccolo Machiavelli

Thus, it would be ridiculous if a leader begins to Mschiavelli personal interests after fruitfully climbing to the top of leadership ladder Selwyn p. Majority of the concerns of the people are always universal. Apparently, the electorates play their constitutional role of electing leaders to attend to their grievances collectively at the village, local, territorial, state or federal level.

Analysis Of The Prince By Niccolo Machiavelli

The major concern of the public has been ways and means by which people can make their lives bearable.]

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