Women Who Run With The Wolves - casually found
Adult Non-Fiction. It is a gift of profound insight, wisdom and love. An oracle from one who knows. For centuries, the 'wild woman' has been repressed by a male-orientated value system which trivialises women's emotions. Using a combination of time-honoured stories and contemporary casework, Estes reveals that the 'wild woman' in us is innately healthy, passionate and wise. Thoughtfully written and compelling in its arguments, Women Who Run With The Wolves gives readers a new sense of direction, a self confidence and purpose in their lives. Women Who Run With The WolvesGender Studies. It is a gift of profound insight, wisdom and love.
The Bookshop at Queenscliff
An oracle from one who knows. For centuries, the 'wild woman' has been repressed by a male-orientated value system which trivialises women's emotions.

Using a combination of time-honoured stories and contemporary casework, Estes reveals that the 'wild woman' in us is innately healthy, passionate and wise. Thoughtfully written and compelling in its arguments, Women Who Run With The Witg gives readers a new sense of direction, a self confidence and purpose in their lives. Notify me.
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Add to Wishlist. In fact, mothers should pass the knowledge contained in these pages down to their daughters as they turn It's insightful and inspirational and gets you back in touch with your authentic self" -- T4 presenter June Sarpong "A wonderful book Clarissa Pinkola Estes, Ph. She has been in private practice for twenty-eight years and is former executive director of the C. Dr Estes founded and directs la Sociedad de Guadalupe, a human rights educational organisation that broadcasts, via audio, throughout the world. System by Circle. Search for books.
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