Who Were The Top 2 Candidates - amazonia.fiocruz.br

Who Were The Top 2 Candidates Who Were The Top 2 Candidates

Want to get The Morning by email? Joe Biden is now the favorite to win the presidency, and Republicans are favored to keep Senate control — but both results are far from certain. And Democrats failed to win the resounding victory that pre-election polls had here they could. The outcome is unclear in six swing states — Georgia, MichiganNevada, North Carolina, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin — and all are still counting votes. We may get some Cnadidates vote counts today, while others could take a few days.

The outstanding ballots are mostly mail-in ballots, which are likely to favor Biden, because more Democrats than Republicans voted early this year.

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He leads in the current vote count in Nevada and Wisconsin, while Trump leads in the remaining four. If Biden holds onto his lead in Nevada and Wisconsin, he would need to win only one of three states — Georgia, Michigan or Pennsylvania — to secure a majority of electoral votes and could still lose North Carolina. The counting of ballots seems likely to be slowest in Michigan and Pennsylvania. Officials in Pennsylvania have said they expect all votes to be counted by Friday. It is entirely possible that Trump will retain his lead in the states where he now leads and win the election.

Who Were The Top 2 Candidates

The situation in the Senate is different — and more favorable to Republicans. Democrats needed to win at least five of the 14 competitive Senate races and have so far won only two. Six races remain up in the air.


Biden, addressing supporters after midnight, urged patience. Trump falsely declared himself the winner around a.

Who Were The Top 2 Candidates

He said he would call on the Supreme Court to stop counting ballots in states where he led, while urging more counting in states where he was behind. Many of the state polls were wrong and underestimated support for Republicans — again. A big question in coming days will be why: Did polls again fail to include enough working-class white voters, as was the case in ?

Or was it something else?

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You can visit The Times all day for the latest coverage. First, though, I want to give you a selection of commentary on the national scene. This is legitimate vote-counting, of ballots that were returned before or on Election Day. This does not sound like a democracy. CuppCNN. Even if Biden wins he will have to govern in a Trump country. This is who America is. It is only close because of our strange Electoral College. Democratic Senate candidates were running slightly behind Biden in several states, making it difficult for the party to retake Senate control.

Election Commentary

Gary Peters, the Democratic incumbent in Michigan, is locked in a close race with his Republican challenger, John James; it will depend on the outstanding votes. Several other races remain too close to call, including in Maine, where Senator Susan Collins leads the Democratic nominee, Sara Gideon.

New JerseySouth Dakota and Arizona voted to legalize recreational marijuana, and Oregon became the first state to decriminalize possessing a small amount of any street drug. Mississippi voted to adopt a new state flag that does not feature the Confederate Battle Flag.]

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