What Had Happened During The Lacrosse Practice Video
Lacrosse Practice Planning: Step-by-step guide for Lax Coaches What Had Happened During The Lacrosse Practice
Go to Garry's 21 Day full life reset and go to the happy organs video to learn how to reset your adrenals :. A beginner's mind set puts the ego aside so you can learn and receive any and all information.
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Being an expert or master is what stops one from …continue. Right from the start I felt a lot of shifts and changes click I am so blown away by what I have experienced and how different my body feels! My first adventure with Human Garage was doing the untorquing moves — starting with my knees. Within a minute I went into what I would call an altered state — a deep meditative state of peace and love.
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I felt Joy and Peace within my body again — it has been a very long time since I have felt this welcomed experience. Now I know it is the effects of those feel good neurochemicals being released - dopamine, serotonin and oxytocin.
It certainly keeps me motivated to keep experiencing that state of being at least twice a day — first thing when I get up and Whaat before I go to bed. I have never been able to squat flat footed in my whole life — not even as a child.
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Right from the start of doing the Anti-Gravity maneuver — bam like magic — I have been able to squat! When I first began Human Garage — it felt like I was wearing a jacket or a whole body suit that was too tight and restrictive — like I was stuck on the inside of my skin.

Now I feel like everything is sliding on the inside and it feels so good — like there is more space. Things are shifting with my organs — relative to each other — spatially — and they feel happier. I can feel they have more motility and are functioning better.
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It feels like the maneuvers are massaging my organs. I understand that if the fascia of my organs has been twisted and distorted — then my organs have not been able to function properly for a Happebed time. As a mother of 6 — with each pregnancy my internal organs got pushed out of the way and squished to make room for my babies.
I am grateful to say I feel lots of internal changes in my abdomen — it feels different inside me — in a very good way.]
The made you do not turn back. That is made, is made.