![[BKEYWORD-0-3] Theory of Alienation Marx and Nietzsche](http://www.faculty.rsu.edu/users/f/felwell/www/Theorists/Essays/Marx files/Capitalist Alienation.jpg)
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Sociology Essay — Assessment 1 Q. Theorists such as Georg Hegel first used the idea of alienation as a philosophic idea, but his work was later grasped upon by theorists known as Ludwig Feuerbach and more importantly Karl Marx. The world till now has been witness to a change in different social structures and forms in which Theory of Alienation Marx and Nietzsche operates. We as human beings must ask, what purpose do we serve within society? Nietzscge means do we have to Theory of Alienation Marx and Nietzsche an effective or prosperous way of living? Marx believed we have been through different economic stages and ownership of the things we need to live, beginning Teory the times of the ancient to feudalism land granted from the crown to now where we have arrived at capitalism private ownership. He saw this as historical stages of development where each stage has the characteristics of a system of production and division of labour, forms of property ownership and a system of class relations Morrison,K.
In turn it looks for reasons for changes in human society and how humans together produced the necessary requirements to live. In relation to historical materialism there was another idea of dialectal materialism. Marx further explains historical and dialectical materialism which will be looked at further in the essay. By understanding how humans produce the necessities to live historical materialism and how a way of reasoning helps us to see the qnd in efficiency of economic orders Tueory in turn they develop contradictions and weaknesses dialectical materialismwe can begin to look at the idea of alienation and how it exists through expanding economic orders according to Marx.
It is seen that we are subject to psychological or emotional separation from the things we produce and the surplus value that is gained, all be it in the control of private owners in a capitalist climate. There are different ways in which we are separated from these factors. However both the worker and capitalist suffer forms of alienation which will be discussed further. Karl Marx who was born in in Germany was considered as an unconventional theorist. His reputation for being a political economist, philosopher, revolutionary and founder of Communism did not bring people to the typical image of a sociologist.
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Marx was a strong believer in the materialistic understanding of factors Nieyzsche as social change, class conflict, labour and the organisation of production. He put forward some notions that would help him identify the materialist perspective. So what does historical materialism tell us about history? When using this idea to Theory of Alienation Marx and Nietzsche society we are always looking at the economic base or structure of it. In Theory of Alienation Marx and Nietzsche for society to live in this sense, we must be able to produce the necessities like food, shelter and clothing in order to do so.
The act of production is one of the principle requirements to satisfy human economic needs. Marx also made a comparison of humans click to see more animals where we as humans produce the means to satisfy our primary material needs. For this reason humans are different from animals because humans need to produce the means for survival and when done, they build an active conscious with nature in order to do so Morrison, K. Another point was that the way humans produce depends on what is already there in nature and what they must to survive. If this is the case then how they exist and how they live will run parallel to what they produce and Nietzssche they produce.
Historical materialism was given a number of main concepts to look at.
These were the means of production necessitates for survivalrelations of production the link between producers and non-producers of physical labour and the mode of production changing the way of making a living. By taking these points into account we can see how an economic structure has been formed over different periods of time and how historical materialism helps to look at social processes of human economic work and Theory of Alienation Marx and Nietzsche it will help give a background to the theory of alienation.
Historical materialism serves a link to the dialectical way of thinking as Marx was the first person to merge materialism and dialectics together. The dialectics was a way of thinking to understand the world. Marx was mainly influenced by the theorist Hegel in his younger days, he was a pioneer in understanding philosophic logic through his process of dialectic.
This involved looking at natural phenomena, the evolution of society and thought through motion and contradiction with a direct challenge to formal logic. Marx seen that the contradictions and oppositions were paramount to the whole analysis. For example in using dialectics imagine there click tension for a nurse trying to accommodate a client but at the Niwtzsche time we know she is trying to bring change for the client.

As we discuss alienation by Marx we first need to analyse the environment he sees it in. Capitalism is an economic system, whereby ownership of factories, materials and machinery for production is the property of private individuals.

The term alienation relates to the specific levels of separation that are seen through the production and increasing surplus value by workers. Marx highlighted that labour power had a major value where the use of it by the capitalist was turned into surplus value. This labour is something that cannot be similar to work because it has a social relationship that can only identify with capitalism.]
It seems to me it is good idea. I agree with you.
Bravo, what words..., a brilliant idea