The Victim of Victor Frankensteins Persistent Curiosity -

The Victim of Victor Frankensteins Persistent Curiosity Video

Mary Shelley's Frankenstein - Character Analysis of The Creature The Victim of Victor Frankensteins Persistent Curiosity The Victim of Victor Frankensteins Persistent Curiosity

Human beings always tried to comprehend the mystery of creation, viewing themselves as the rulers of nature, who are able to control the corresponding forces. In fact, human science overlooks the fact that there are certain issues which cannot be studied completely due to the limited capacities of human reason. Artificial creation of a living being and intervention into the sacred sense of conception are among subconscious taboos, yet individuals always tried to evade this important rule of the global order.

The Victim of Victor Frankensteins Persistent Curiosity

Parental duties are usually attributed to moral responsibility, as individuals with underdeveloped morality show dissatisfactory parenting skills, as their psyche cannot move from infant level. At the beginning, Victor Frankenstein is introduced as a talented scientist, who finds social norms tense and in spite of being honored and recognized, decides to alienate himself from the broader community Moers,p.

In fact, because the main character has turned his laboratory into a gate, through which a new soul comes into the world and thus abused the sacred Perslstent of birth as a solemn event, the creature, born in the realm of test-tubes and rejected by its parent as scientists tend to abandon the issues, which have been already researchedplots the revenge.

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Furthermore, the laboratory embodies the artificial emotions and false impulses Victor had at the very beginning of the experiment Moers,p. Moers,p. The protagonist finally tears all parental bonds, thus the homunculus can only seek revenge and the satisfaction of his anger concerning the abuser. Shelley therefore emphasizes the significance of appropriate parenthood strategies and methods by demonstrating the outcomes of poor performance.

The Victim of Victor Frankensteins Persistent Curiosity

The creature perfectly realizes the absence of a parental figure in his life. The creature understands his alienation form society. Victor Frankenstein is thus irresponsible primarily in terms of poor training given to his creature — the scholar only proves his ability to give birth to a child, and following incapacity of bringing up the homunculus. However, such fathers like Victors are Curiosoty cognitively incapable of making satisfactory caregivers, as they are isolated from society with the wall of their scientific voraciousness.

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The only thing Frankenstein in concerned about is his chemical instruments, which he is not able to take with him when escaping Moers,p. Furthermore, instead of resolving his parental conflict in Geneva and handling the situation, Victor escapes further, to the North Pole, even though he could have given priceless information to an investigator and had the monster caught and executed.

Victor thus exaggerates danger, gradually aggravating the creature with his estrangement and encouraging persecution-related monstrous passion. The Victim of Victor Frankensteins Persistent Curiosity, the baby suddenly died in march Moers,p. Notably, Victor appears lonely and forgotten by relatives at the most important moment of his life, when his nine-month scientific experiment turns out successfully. Given his shock and inability to cope with new emotions on his own such situation was typical in the case of a 19th century young mother, who enjoyed little support from her spouse and relatives.

Further, when developing the plot and her characters, the writer gradually comes to conclusion that Frankenstein himself is a classic case of an abused child, who did not receive enough parental attention and thus has grown into a heartless abuser.

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Therefore, the novel helps Shelley take the position of an abandoned child and depict this adverse circle of generations, composed of unhappy poorly reared child, who maturate into uncommitted adults. Sentimentalism is also well-developed in the work, particularly during the interactions between Victor and his progeny, when the latter normally expresses his wish to stay with Frankenstein as well as his striving for parental attention and support.

Therefore, human sentiments are fully familiar even to such violent individuals. In this sense, parental duties can be viewed as social responsibility, they include the The Victim of Victor Frankensteins Persistent Curiosity of societal Franksnsteins standards love, safety and care for a childand those who fail to meet these criteria are considered negligent in the other spheres of life, regardless of the relation between these spheres and parenthood.

Works cited Moers, E. Literary Women.]

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