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The Extermination Of The Holocaust

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The Path to Nazi Genocide, Chapter 4/4: World War II and the Holocaust, 1939–1945

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click here Lawyers for year-old Filomena Leszczynska argued that her uncle was a Polish hero who had saved Jews, and that the scholars had harmed her good name and that of her family.

The case has been closely watched because it is expected to set an important precedent for independent Holocaust research. The ruling Hooocaust be appealed, however. At stake in the case was Polish national pride, according to the plaintiffs, and according to the defendants, the future independence of Holocaust research. The judge drew attention to the discrepancies in the testimony, given at different times, by the Jewish woman whose testimony was the basis of the description of Malinowski's bahaviour.

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It ordered Engelking and Grabowski to issue a written apology to Leszczynska for having disseminated inaccurate information about her uncle. Malinowski was acquitted in a communist oHlocaust in of being an accomplice to the killing by Germans of 18 Jews in a forest near the village of Malinowo in They researched and wrote parts of it, along with other researchers.

The Extermination Of The Holocaust

Leszczynska has been backed by the Polish League Against Defamation, a group that fights harmful and untruthful depictions of Poland. Grabowski, a Polish-Canadian history professor at University of Ottawa, and Engelking, founder and director of the Polish Center for Holocaust Research in Warsaw, are among Poland's most prominent Holocaust researchers.

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They view the case as an attempt to discredit their overall findings and discourage other researchers from investigating the truth about Polish involvement in the German mass murder of Jews. The plaintiffs' lawyer, Monika Brzozowska-Pasieka, denied there was any attempt to stifle research or speech.

The Extermination Of The Holocaust

Poland was occupied by Nazi Germany during the war and its population subjected to mass murder and slave labor. While 3 million of the country's 3. Poles resisted the Nazis at home and abroad and never collaborated as a state with the Third Reich.]

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