The Ethics Of Kantian Ethics -

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Utilitarian and Kantian Ethicist Approach to Abortion The Ethics Of Kantian Ethics The Ethics Of Kantian Ethics

Artificial intelligence and robotics is pervasive in daily life and set to expand to new levels potentially replacing human decision-making and action. Self-driving cars, home and healthcare robots, and autonomous weapons are some examples. A distinction appears to be emerging between potentially benevolent civilian uses of the technology eg unmanned aerial vehicles delivering medicinesand potentially malevolent military uses eg lethal autonomous weapons killing human combatants.

Machine-mediated human interaction challenges the philosophical basis The Ethics Of Kantian Ethics human existence and ethical conduct. Aside from technical challenges of ensuring ethical conduct in artificial intelligence and robotics, there are moral questions about the desirability of replacing human functions and the human mind with such technology.

How will artificial intelligence and robotics engage in moral reasoning in order to act ethically? Is there a need for a new set of moral rules? What happens to human interaction when it is mediated by Eyhics

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Should such technology be used to end human life? Who bears responsibility for wrongdoing or harmful The Ethics Of Kantian Ethics by artificial intelligence and robotics? Whilst Kant may be familiar to international lawyers for setting restraints on the use of force and rules for perpetual peace, his foundational work on ethics provides an inclusive moral philosophy for assessing ethical conduct of individuals and states and, thus, is relevant to discussions on the use and development of artificial intelligence and robotics. His philosophy is inclusive because it incorporates justifications for morals and legitimate responses to immoral conduct, and applies to all human agents irrespective of whether they are wrongdoers, unlawful combatants, or unjust enemies. Humans are at the centre of rational thinking, action, and norm-creation so that the rationale for restraints on methods and means of warfare, for example, is based on preserving human dignity as well as ensuring conditions for perpetual peace among states.

Unlike utilitarian arguments which favour use of autonomous weapons on the basis of cost-benefit reasoning or the potential to save lives, Kantian The Ethics Of Kantian Ethics establish non-consequentialist and deontological rules which are good in themselves to follow and not dependent on expediency or achieving a greater public good. Kantian ethics make two distinct contributions to the debate. First, they provide a human-centric ethical framework whereby human existence and capacity are at the centre of a norm-creating moral philosophy guiding our understanding of moral conduct.

The Ethics Of Kantian Ethics

Second, the ultimate aim of Kantian ethics is practical philosophy that is relevant and applicable to achieving moral conduct. I will seek to address the moral questions outlined article source by exploring how core elements of Kantian ethics relate to use of artificial intelligence and robotics in the civilian and military spheres. Section 2 sets out and examines core elements of Kantian ethics: the categorical imperative; autonomy of the will; rational beings and rational thinking capacity; and human dignity and humanity as an end in itself.

Kantian ethics provide a human-centric ethical framework Ehics human existence and capacity at the centre of a norm-creating philosophy that guides our understanding of moral conduct. The The Ethics Of Kantian Ethics core elements of Kantian ethics, which establish the human-centric ethical framework, are examined: the categorical imperative; autonomy of the will; rational beings and rational thinking capacity; and Kanian dignity and humanity as an end in itself. This helps us understand how morality of action in international society can be judged on the basis of underlying rules.

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The categorical imperative is a rule of intrinsic value [2] that is based on reason, prescribing objectives and constraints on conduct whether we desire these or not. A rule capable of universalisation derives from human rational thinking capacity [9] and constrained free will [10] more on these concepts later. It is fundamentally beneficial to humankind good qua humankind[11] and excludes rules of personal choice without wider appeal. This makes it Etjics difficult for any individual or group to exert personal or particular beliefs disguised as moral rules.

The Ethics Of Kantian Ethics

The rule needs to be inherently desirable, doable, and valuable for it to be capable of universalisation. First, the rule must be followable by others in thought; it must be intelligible to them. Second, the rule must be action guiding; it must also aim to recommend or prescribe action, to warn against or proscribe action.

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There is a general duty not to harm others. It is inherently doable because, apart from exceptional circumstances of warfare, emergency, medical intervention, and self-defence, harm is not a necessary condition for human existence or fulfilment. The duty not to harm others is fundamentally beneficial to humankind, protecting our physical and mental well-being, and valuing our existence as rational beings with free will.]

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