The effects of Steroids -

Information: The effects of Steroids

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The effects of using Anabolic Androgenic steroids can be best understood if we take a look at the anabolic as well as the androgenic aspects of the drugs independently. The effects of using AAS can be both separate as well as overlapping. We will take a look at each of these aspects through this chapter. Taken literally, the term anabolic signifies cell growth and the word androgenic refers to the maintenance of muscular characteristics. Most of the effects for which steroids have found usage and gained popularity amongst bodybuilders and athletes account for the anabolic effects of steroids. The effects include increased muscle mass owing the heightened protein synthesis by way of amino acids, stimulation of bone marrow- leading to an increase in the RBC Red Blood Cell count in the body, a better bone profiling and an increased appetite. There are a number of processes some of which we have discussed in the previous chapters that lead to a step by step increase in the muscle mass of the body- thus leading to an increased muscular profile and strength over a period of time. Androgenic effects of steroids are mostly centered around bringing about changes in the sex hormones of the human body. The effects of Steroids. The effects of Steroids

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The effects of Steroids heart ailment, liver harm, high blood pressure. Women between the ages of 11 and 18 are less in all likelihood to use steroids. It mainly a male trouble.

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The effects of Steroids

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The effects of Steroids

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