The Effect Of Stimulating Brain Oscillations On -

The Effect Of Stimulating Brain Oscillations On - that

Dependency of non-invasive brain stimulation effects on real-time EEG-based measurements of instantaneous excitability in human motor cortex DSpace Repositorium Manakin basiert Einloggen. JavaScript is disabled for your browser. Some features of this site may not work without it. Dependency of non-invasive brain stimulation effects on real-time EEG-based measurements of instantaneous excitability in human motor cortex Desideri, Debora. Among NIBS techniques, transcranial magnetic stimulation TMS can activate cortical neurons in a spatiotemporal scale of millimeters and milliseconds and it has proved to have potential not only for electrophysiological, cognitive and behavioral research but also for the treatment of neurological and psychiatric disorders. Nevertheless, electrophysiological responses to TMS as well as clinical improvement of TMS treated patients is often characterized by a high variability across sessions and subjects, which limits the application of TMS in clinical settings. A significant part of this variability may be ascribable to the ongoing brain activity at the time of the stimulation. To experimentally verify the advantage of brain state-dependent TMS, we built a TMS set-up that is able to trigger TMS pulses in real-time on the basis of the ongoing electrical brain activity concurrently registered with electroencephalography EEG. We used this real-time EEG-triggered TMS set-up to assess dependency of electrophysiological responses to TMS of the left human motor cortex on the phase of the sensorimotor 8 — 12 Hz oscillation, i. The Effect Of Stimulating Brain Oscillations On The Effect Of Stimulating Brain Oscillations On

The Effect Of Stimulating Brain Oscillations On Video

The Self-Tuning Brain: Normalizing Brain Oscillations with Neurofeedback The Effect Of Stimulating Brain Oscillations On

Either your web browser doesn't The Effect Of Stimulating Brain Oscillations On Javascript or it is currently turned off. In the latter case, please turn on Javascript support in your web browser and reload this page. Data availability statement: Data are available upon reasonable request from corresponding author C-SL. We enrolled double-blind, randomised controlled trials RCTs.

The primary outcomes were acceptability and pre—post treatment changes in general cognition measured by Mini-Mental State Examination, and the secondary outcomes were memory function, verbal fluency, working memory and executive function. HFrTMS 1. Electrons flow from the cathode to the anode, in the radial direction. The electric current does not generate action potentials per se, but facilitates or inhibits synaptic transmission; this is mediated by an increase or decrease in the frequency of action potentials in endogenous neuronal firing, usually induced by anodal or cathodal stimulation, respectively.

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Although the mechanisms of action of NIBS techniques remain elusive, both seem to induce long-term potentiation and depotentiation-like phenomena via several molecular and cellular mechanisms, such as induction of synaptic strengthening and neurogenesis. Both rTMS and tDCS could enhance brain activity in areas that are hypoactive, leading to changes in functional Indeed, when targeting the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex DLPFCthese techniques were shown to enhance working memory, 14 and, regarding cognitive enhancement, promising findings have been observed for both tDCS 15 and rTMS.

Several studies have reported positive on cognitive function when combining cognitive training CT with rTMS.

Additional unpublished and ongoing trials were identified from ClinicalTrials. When data were unavailable in the articles, we contacted the authors to request the unreported data. A search algorithm was developed and adapted for each database, with no restrictions on age, setting, sex, ethnicity, language or publication year. The full search strategy with search terms online supplemental appendix 1 and PRISMA checklist online supplemental appendix 2 are available in the online supplemental data. The criteria for MCI and AD are compatible with international guidelines and are listed in online supplemental table S1.

Trials with fewer than five treatment sessions were excluded, as they would not be considered a therapeutic course for The Effect Of Stimulating Brain Oscillations On brain-stimulation modality. The primary outcomes were treatment efficacy for general cognitive function and acceptability. If different instruments were used to measure general cognitive function, the scores were converted to MMSE scores using suggested methods.

The Effect Of Stimulating Brain Oscillations On

The secondary outcomes were pre—post changes in memory function, verbal fluency, working memory and executive function. In studies using several cognitive instruments to examine the same cognitive subdomain, we selected the most reliable instrument.

ASJC Scopus subject areas

We employed an additive component NMA model for the data synthesis. A component NMA model is an extension of the The Effect Of Stimulating Brain Oscillations On NMA, which can analyse the relative efficacy of specific components or combinations of components. The surface under the cumulative ranking curve SUCRA indicated the mean rank of each treatment relative to an imaginary intervention that was the best without uncertainty. A larger area under the curve indicated a higher rank of treatment benefit on cognitive effects. Potential inconsistencies between direct and indirect evidence were examined by the node-splitting method and the design-by-treatment model.

Meta-regression analyses were conducted to examine potential effect modifiers, and the differences in effect sizes between AD and MCI were analysed. Finally, we assessed the efficacy of sham rTMS stimulation versus sham tDCS stimulation for the primary outcome as an additional proof of transitivity.


The p values for all comparisons were two-tailed, and a cut-off point of 0. The study selection process is shown in online supplemental figure S1. These 27 RCTs were published between and The characteristics of the included studies are summarised in online supplemental table S1. Figure 1A illustrates the network of eligible comparisons for the short-term effects on general cognitive function. The recruited trials generated 10 nodes contributing to 12 pairs of comparisons. The supplementary data show the network plots for the secondary outcomes online supplemental figure S2.]

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