Symbolism From The Scarlet Letter -

Symbolism From The Scarlet Letter

Symbolism From The Scarlet Letter Video

Symbolism from the Scarlet Letter Symbolism From The Scarlet Letter

We use cookies to give you the best experience possible. Both books explore the consequences of sin when living in a puritan society in the early days of the Massachusetts colony. The setting in which The Scarlet Letter and the Crucible take place is very important to the stories.

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Both books take time around the late and early in the Massachusetts, colonies in Both America. Around this time people were still highly religious affecting the way people viewed certain actions and the way they lived. Both their towns were ruled by Puritans whose religious beliefs and laws seemed to go above reason. Don't use plagiarized sources.

Symbolism From The Scarlet Letter

The Crimes and sins people committed back then were not en as different link both were believed to go against God by the puritans. All this impacted the way people in both towns viewed each characters actions in both books. Hester affair was seen so severe that it leads for her to be publicly embarrassed and to be an outcast of society all her life along with her daughter.

The dancing the girls do in the forest lead them to hide it by claiming it witchcraft ,which leads to multiple deaths and ruined reputations.

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If both of these Symblism had committed these actions in a modern period of time then the story lines would occur very differently. Hester affair would not have been such a big deal and would have resulted in a divorce at most. If someone is accused or even linked to any scandal or sin, the puritan community had consequences for them also.

Symbolism From The Scarlet Letter

This way the concept of society vs. Individual is a major theme in both books. This act is important because it lets the reader know that she was not apologetic of what she did and knew full well the consequences of her action which she fully accepted.

Symbolism From The Scarlet Letter

This sole action set her apart of the society who expected her to be apologetic and ashamed of her actions. Hawthorne uses symbolism for to enforce the idea that Hester is no longer part of this community any more.]

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