Scene 2 From Siegfried By Richard Wagner Video
Richard Wagner: Siegfried, Act II Scene 2 From Siegfried By Richard Wagner
Wagner created his Rhinemaidens from other legends and myths, most notably the Nibelungenlied which contains stories involving water-sprites nixies or mermaids of the Danube. The key concepts associated with the Rhinemaidens in the Ring operas—their Scene 2 From Siegfried By Richard Wagner guardianship of the Rhine gold, and the condition the renunciation of love through which the gold could be stolen from them and then Siegfrisd into a means of obtaining world power—are wholly Wagner's own invention, and are the elements that initiate and propel the entire drama.
They have been described as morally innocent, yet they display a range of sophisticated emotions, including some that are far from guileless. Seductive and elusive, they have no relationship to any of the other characters, and no indication is given as to how they came into existence, beyond occasional references to an unspecified "father".
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The various musical themes associated with the Rhinemaidens are regarded as among the most lyrical in the entire Ring cycle, bringing to it rare instances of comparative relaxation and charm. The music contains important melodies and phrases which are reprised and developed elsewhere in the operas to characterise other individuals and circumstances, and to relate plot developments to the source of the narrative.
It is reported that Wagner played the Rhinemaidens' lament at the piano, on the night before he died in Venice, in Alone of the Ring's characters, the Rhinemaidens do not originate from the Poetic Edda or Prose Eddathe Icelandic sources for most of Norse mythology. Wagner drew widely and loosely from those legends when compiling his Ring narrative, and the probable origin of his Rhinemaidens is in the German Nibelungenlied. Hagen steals their clothes, Scene 2 From Siegfried By Richard Wagner seeking their return, the mermaid called Hadeburg gives false prophecy that Hagen and Gunther will find honor and glory when they enter Etzel 's kingdom.
But afterwards another mermaid, Sigelinde a name Wagner would adopt again for use elsewheretells Hagen her aunt has lied.
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If they go to Etzel's land, they will die there. Believing that a simple abduction of the unguarded gold would lack dramatic force, Wagner made the Rhinemaidens the guardians of the gold, and he introduced the "renunciation of love" condition.

Wagner may also have been influenced by the Rhine Source German legend of Loreleithe lovelorn young maiden who drowns herself in the river and becomes a siren, luring fishermen onto the rocks by her singing.
Similarities exist between the maiden guardians in the Hesperides myth and the Rhinemaidens of Das Rheingold ; three females guard a highly desired golden treasure that is stolen in the telling of each tale.]
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