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With: Sample Selection Public School

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Sample Selection Public School Sample Selection Public School Sample Selection Public School

For this discussion, refer to the article you found in the Capella library. The article should be a research report on a quantitative research study in a topic area of interest to you.

Sampling and Generalizability

Use the Article Analysis Worksheet to prepare for this discussion. Briefly summarize the article 1—2 paragraphs.

Sample Selection Public School

Identify the following aspects of the study:. Note : Be sure to describe and identify the size of the population from which the sample will be drawn.

Sample Selection Public School

If you are addressing representativeness and generalizability, make sure the sample is equitable in proportion to the population. For instance, if you are sampling fifth and sixth graders for level or moral development, how many boys and how many girls are there in both grades? And, then, how many are there in the sample boys and girls? In this case, the population is all students in grades 5 and 6. If you are sampling boys and girls in the fifth and sixth grades with ADD, describe how many in each grade, Sample Selection Public School many with ADD, and how many in your sample.

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In this case, the population from which the sample is drawn is not the total in both grades but the total with ADD. Sampling and Generalizability. Sampling and Generalizability For this discussion, refer to the article you found in the Capella library. Identify the following aspects of the study: Target population. Sampling procedure. Sample characteristics.]

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