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Salvation The Holy Spirit Heaven And Hell.

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I believe Jesus Christ is Your Son. I believe that He died for my sin and that you raised Him to life. I want to trust Him as my Savior and follow Him as Lord, from this day forward. Guide my life and help me to do your will. I pray this in the name of Jesus. Yes, I prayed the prayer No, but I have a question. Share with your friends. STEP 1 God loves you and has a plan for you! Salvation The Holy Spirit Heaven And Hell

Salvation The Holy Spirit Heaven And Hell Video

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Do you have Anx same question? Follow this Question. So here we see that the Lord Jesus Christ Paid the fine or everyone, not just a select few. That's the same way it is for the Doctrine of Eternal Salvation. There are over verses that indicate that "once saved, always saved" There are only 12 that on appearance, without context, seem to say you can lose your Salvation.

Salvation The Holy Spirit Heaven And Hell

Home Login Register. John I have heard people claim that God chooses who will be saved, and who will not be saved.


And one of the verses they base this on, according to them, is John But this is not what I see in that verse. What I see, according to 2 Peter among a few other verses in the New Testament that God calls everyone to Himself. The Holy Spirit stirs up everyone's heart to come to God. But, many rejects that stirring, and hardens his or her heart against Him. And after a while, their heart is so hardened, that it is practically impossible to come to Him.

Now, going by Johnand verses of the like, it is our sinful nature that is no one can come to the Father. Our natural beings are rebellious, and do not want God. So unless God comes and stirs up our hearts, it would not be possible for anyone to come to God, it would not be possible for anyone be saved. I just thought I would share this Salvation The Holy Spirit Heaven And Hell of info. Open to click.

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Comments 0 New Comment. Report it. Voted Best Answer Jan 25, - AM 2 Peter But there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false Teachers among you, who privily shall Salvatin in damnable heresies, Even Denying the Lord that Bought Themand bring upon themselves swift destruction. But when I heard people say that, according to Johnthat God decides who and who will not be saved, I honestly couldn't explain it, except that I knew it didn't mean what they claim it to mean. I know God well enough to know that He wants everyone to be saved, and that is why in quite a few verses He Salvation The Holy Spirit Heaven And Hell "for all".

But it wasn't until recently that the Holy Spirit revealed the true meaning of that verse, and verses that says the same thing.

Salvation The Holy Spirit Heaven And Hell

Which is why I decided to post this.]

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