Reading And Writing My Future Of Writing -

Reading And Writing My Future Of Writing - are

Beginning an essay can often be the most difficult portion. However, when separated into small steps, this process becomes well defined and much more manageable. During these first steps, any writing that takes place is likely to be minimal and rough. This is acceptable, as you realize you are in the prewriting stage and that you have more writing and revising ahead of you. For this Discussion, you will reflect on your own approach to reading and how you have or, perhaps, have not used a strategy, such as note-taking, underlining, highlighting, etc. By tomorrow 8 AM, post a 2-paragraph reflection on your reading and research process, describing strategies that you currently use, as well as any strategies that you could use more effectively. Note: You may choose to reflect specifically on your approach to this Discussion in relation to reading and research. Include at least 1 to 2-reference from the list below.

Reading And Writing My Future Of Writing - apologise, but

. Reading And Writing My Future Of Writing Reading And Writing My Future Of Writing.

Reading And Writing My Future Of Writing Video

Reading Journals Written To Future Husband And Wife

Google still rank long content higher, but I think it will change soon. Because when searching, we want the right information ASAP, not long content. The first type enjoys reading.

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They enjoy a good experience, a type of content that opens their imagination. Then sail them through any details the author intended.

Reading And Writing My Future Of Writing

Those types of content use descriptive paragraphs, transitions, with fancy words. It makes readers feel great. The second need to search for a specific piece of information. They prefer a straightforward and simple answer.

Which means minimal, concise sentences, with no fancy words. I used to enjoy reading long content. But recently, I'd spend 5 seconds scanning relevant headings. Then another Writinv to find the relavant information, or go back and look for another search As our reading habits changed.

We need a better format to diggest information.

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For example, video content is getting more popular. One reason is, it required less effort to diggest. That goes with the search results. When someone needs an answer, it should be minimal, concise, and straightforward.

Reading And Writing My Future Of Writing

Original posted on Short writing is the future of writing. It depends]

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