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Amusing: Psychological Research Study Notes

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Psychological Research Study Notes Psychological Research Study Notes

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Forget whatever figure you may have heard. Not to intimidate you, if you happen to be preparing for a job or grad school interview, or a blind date, but new research shows that you may need to have your act together in Stydy blink of an eye. Like it or not, judgments based on facial appearance play a powerful role in how we treat others, and how we get treated. Psychologists have long known that attractive people get better outcomes in practically all walks of life. And having a face that looks competent as opposed to trustworthy or likeable may matter Psychological Research Study Notes lot in whether a person gets elected to public office.

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Willis and Todorov conducted separate experiments to study judgments from facial appearance, each focusing on a different trait: attractiveness, likeability, competence, trustworthiness, and aggressiveness. Response time was measured. Participants were then asked Psychological Research Study Notes rate their confidence in making their judgments. In that preliminary study, there was strong agreement among the various participants about the traits of the people in the photographs.

Longer exposure times did increase confidence in judgments and facilitated more differentiated trait impressions that is, less correlation between the different traits for a given person. Along with attractiveness, this was also the trait that participants were able to assess most quickly.


The authors suggest, based on evolutionary psychology, that an accelerated and accurate ability to judge trustworthiness in others may have evolved as an important survival mechanism. Other researchers recently revealed in Psychological Science that objects are categorized as soon as they are perceived; something similar, Willis and Todorov suggest, may be true of certain trait judgments. It may be that, to impress a prospective employer with your competence and trustworthiness, or a prospective mate with your attractiveness, you can do it in, well, no time. That may be a good or bad thing, depending. Great Psychological Research Study Notes.

Psychological Research Study Notes

Sure, we organize what see very quickly into categories or types. But, in my opinion, persons are fools if they think know who somebody is based those initial here seconds that are only visual. Thank you for alerting us to take care of the first impression to influence people think positively about us. On the other hand it is an eye opener not to read the Psychological Research Study Notes by its cover. Likely a glut is the cause of the time being so short because if necessity required them to work together, they would stay together.

Psychological Research Study Notes

The article seemed to show the face was the main factor. I was taught that the breasts, hip and overall appearance also is part of a first impression of a woman by a man. Do these Psychological Research Study Notes come into play? I also, that the breasts are developed, Noes other mammals, stay large and do not shrink to a male like size as it is also part of the brain making the first impression. Woman have other things, as height, weight, hair, their brains use when making their first impression of a male; am I wrong?

Psychological Research Study Notes

People many times can be like reading an open book…while others are better at concealing their agenda. Everything you think…say…and do is a seed. Every seed produces a specific harvest. Let choose our relationships carefully- we become who we hang around with.]

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