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Several revisions in classifying the great apes have caused the use of the term "hominid" to vary over time. The original meaning of "hominid" referred only to humans Homo and their closest extinct relatives. However, by the s both humans, apes, and their ancestors were considered to be "hominids". The earlier restrictive meaning has now been largely assumed by the term " hominin " , which comprises all members of the human clade after the split from the chimpanzees Pan. The current, 21st-century meaning of "hominid" includes all the great apes including humans. Usage still varies, however, and some scientists and laypersons still use "hominid" in the original restrictive sense; the scholarly literature generally shows the traditional usage until around the turn of the 21st century. Within the taxon Hominidae, a number of extant and known extinct, that is, fossil, genera are grouped with the humans , chimpanzees , and gorillas in the subfamily Homininae ; others with orangutans in the subfamily Ponginae see classification graphic below.

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Depending on the particular tradition, it can denote either jurisdictional authority title of authority or usually ceremonial precedence title of honour.

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In the Western Churcha Primate is an Archbishop —or, rarely, a suffragan or exempt bishop —of a specific mostly Metropolitan episcopal see called a primatial see who has precedence over the bishoprics of one or more ecclesiastical provinces of a particular historical, political or cultural Primate Evolution. Historically, Primates of particular sees were granted privileges including the authority to call and preside at Primate Evolution synodsjurisdiction to hear Primwte from source tribunals, the right to crown the sovereign of the nation, and presiding at the investiture installation of archbishops in their sees.

Primate Evolution

The office is generally found only in older Catholic countries, and is now purely honorific, enjoying no effective powers under canon law —except for the Archbishop of Esztergom Gran in Hungary. The Holy See has also granted Polish primates the privilege of wearing cardinal's crimson attire, except for the skullcap and birettaeven if they have not been made cardinals. Where the title of primate exists, it may be vested in one of the oldest archdioceses in a country, often based in a city other than the present capital, but which was the capital when the country was first Christianized. The city may no longer have the prominence it had when the title was granted.

The political area over which primacy was originally granted may no longer exist: for example, the Archbishop of Toledo was designated "Primate of the Visigothic Kingdom ", and the Archbishop of Lyon is the "Primate of the Gauls ". Some of the leadership functions once exercised by Primates, specifically presiding at meetings of the bishops of a nation or region, are now exercised by the president of the conference of bishops : "The president of the Conference or, when he is lawfully impeded, the vice-president, presides not only over the general meetings of the Conference but also over the permanent committee.

Other former functions of primates, such as hearing appeals from metropolitan tribunalswere reserved to the Holy See by the early Primate Evolution century. The closest equivalent position in the Eastern Churches in was an Exarch. The Holy See has continued in modern times to grant the title of Primate. A right of precedence over other bishops and similar privileges can be granted even to a Primate Evolution who is not a Primate. The Primate Evolution of Primate is sometimes applied loosely to the Archbishop of a country's capital, as in the Primate Evolution of the Archbishops of Seoul in South Korea and of Edinburgh in Scotland. Functions can sometimes be exercised in practice de factoas by a de facto government, without having been granted by law; but since "Primate" is today a title, not a function, there is no such thing as a " de facto " primate.

Primate Evolution

The pre-reformation Metropolitan Archbishop of Nidaros was sometimes referred to as Primate of Norway, [10] even though it is unlikely that this title ever was officially granted to him by the Holy See. The heads of certain sees have at times Evolutkon referred to, at least by themselves, [11] as primates:.

Source [1]. Benedict were united under the presidency of an Abbot Primate Leo XIII, Summum semper12 July ; but the unification, fraternal in its nature, brought Primate Evolution modification to the abbatial dignity, and the various congregations preserved their autonomy intact. The loose structure of the Benedictine Confederation is claimed to Menagerie The Autobiography Glass An made Pope Leo XIII exclaim that the Benedictines were ordo sine ordine "an order without order".

The powers of the Abbot Primate are specified, and his position defined, in a decree of the Sacred Congregation of Bishops and Regulars dated 16 September He takes precedence of all Primate Evolution abbots, is empowered to pronounce on all doubtful matters of discipline, to settle difficulties arising between monasteries, to hold a canonical visitation, if necessary, in any congregation of the order, and to exercise a general supervision for the regular observance of monastic discipline. The Primatial powers are only vested in the Abbot Primate to act by virtue of the proper law of its autonomous Benedictine congregation, which at Primate Evolution present is minimal to none.

However, certain branches of the Eolution Order seem to have lost their original autonomy to some extent. In a similar way the Confederation of Canons Regular of St. Augustineelects an Abbot Primate read article figurehead of the Confederation and Primate Evolution the whole Canonical Order. The Abbots and Superiors Evolutiom of the nine congregations of confederated congregations of Canons Regular elect a new Abbot Primate for a term of office lasting six years. Anglican usage styles the bishop who heads an independent church as its "primate", though commonly they hold some other title e.

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The primates' authority within their churches varies considerably: some churches give the primate some executive authority, while in others they may do no more than preside over church councils and represent the church ceremonially. In the context of the Anglican Communion Primates' Meetingthe chief bishop of each of the thirty-nine churches also known as provinces that compose the Anglican Communion acts as its primate, though this title may not necessarily be used within their own provinces. Thus the Go here Churches of Bangladesh, Primate Evolution North India, of Pakistan and of South India, which are united with other originally non-Anglican churches, are represented at the meetings by their moderators. Only the bishop of the senior primatial see of Primate Evolution of these two churches participates in the meetings. The Archbishop of Canterbury, who is considered primus inter pares of all the participants, convokes the meetings and issues the invitations.

Primates and archbishops are styled "The Most Reverend". All other bishops are styled "The Right Reverend". Historically, the primatial title in Western Christianity corresponded to the title and office of supra-metropolitan exarch in Eastern Christianity. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

Primate Evolution bishop in certain Christian churches.]

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