President Lyndon B Johnson s Speech -

President Lyndon B Johnson s Speech Video

President Lyndon B. Johnson's \ President Lyndon B Johnson s Speech

He assumed the presidency following the assassination of President John F. Johnson is one of only four people who have served in all four federal elected positions.

Lyndon Johnson

Born in a farmhouse in Stonewall, TexasJohnson worked as a high school teacher and a congressional aide before winning election to the US House of Representatives in Johnson won election to the United States Senate from Texas in after narrowly winning the Democratic Party's nomination. He became the Senate leader of the Democrats in He became known for his domineering personality and the "Johnson treatment", his aggressive coercion of powerful politicians to advance legislation. Johnson ran for the Democratic nomination in the presidential election. Although unsuccessful, he became the running mate of the nominee Senator John F. Kennedy and they went on to win a close election.

President Lyndon B Johnson s Speech

On November 22,Kennedy was assassinated and Johnson succeeded learn more here as president. The following year, Johnson won in a landslidedefeating senator Barry Goldwater of Arizona. Lyndkn In domestic policy, Johnson's " Great Society " and " War on Poverty " programs led to legislation to expand civil rightspublic broadcastingMedicareMedicaidaid to education and the arts, urban and rural development and public services. Assisted by a strong economythe War on Poverty helped millions of Americans rise above President Lyndon B Johnson s Speech poverty line his Presidennt. The Voting Rights Act ended the mass disenfranchisement of African Americans in the South, and the Immigration and Nationality Act of permitted greater immigration from regions other than Europe.

Johnson's presidency marked the peak of modern liberalism in the United States. In foreign policy, Johnson escalated American involvement in the Vietnam War. InCongress passed the Gulf of Tonkin Resolutionwhich granted Johnson the power to use military force in Southeast Asia without having to ask for an official declaration of war.

President Lyndon B Johnson s Speech

The number of American military personnel in Vietnam increased dramatically, from 16, advisors in non-combat roles in toinmany in combat roles. American casualties soared and the peace process stagnated.

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Growing unease with the war stimulated a large, angry anti-war movement based chiefly among draft -age students on university campuses. Johnson faced further troubles when summer riots began in major cities in and crime rates soared, as his right-wing opponents raised demands for "law and order" policies. While Johnson began his presidency with widespread approval, support for him declined as the public became frustrated with both the war and social unrest. Inhe ended his bid for renomination after a disappointing result in the New Hampshire primary. He succeeded by Richard Nixon in January ]

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