Physician Assisted Death For The Terminally Ill Video
Beyond Assisted Dying: Dignity, Autonomy and the Human Condition. Physician Assisted Death For The Terminally IllAssisted suicide Essays
Some forums can only be seen by registered members. Location: NW Nevada - and the world. Yes, I know, if you murder yourself, you commit the sin of murder. In many ways suicide is antisocial, which aside from religious belief moves us towards discouraging it.

Certainly I want no one I care about to die. But sometimes there must be exceptions. Is it a sin to kill yourself before falling into a situation in which you know you will be tortured to death? Because, God? Originally Posted by boneyard The obvious question.
Final Exit: The Practicalities of Self-deliverance & Assisted Suicide for the Dying
Life support costs a mint. I just started chemo again. Ill say this, if I am in a no chance of recovery situation I will want assisted suicide. Hospice is a very expensive option that is not an option for someone who is dying a horrible death. How does Hospice preserve the person's dignity?

How does it give them an easier way out? LOL I watched a good friend die in hospice care.]
The authoritative point of view, cognitively..