Personal Narrative My School Day -

Personal Narrative My School Day Personal Narrative My School Day

The shoreline was hardly ten feet away, but the sands were getting washed quickly by the under-current, and it was hard to get a grip to stand up. A minute before we were all laughing and jumping in the waist-deep water, every time a wave was breaking down, until a bigger one, probably a foot higher, made one of us lose their foothold. All of sudden three of us fell into the water, as we were holding to each other. And back then, none of us knew how to swim.

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But somehow, after getting swept to and fro with a few subsequent waves experiencing the longest choking time in my life, finally, I managed to get up and plunge myself into the golden-yellow sand of Puri seabeach. Then I saw my wife and brother, they were already out of the water and were breathing fast, bending down with hands over the knees and looking towards me, pale and vacant.

Personal Narrative My School Day

My parents and in-laws all surrounded us with two more nulias lifeguards from the local community standing back of that cordon. A day before, when we reached Puri after a hour journey sitting on a chair car of a superfast express six hours late from its scheduled arrival time, our bad luck continued when we found that the small beach town of Puri was full of devotees crowding every little corner. Personal Narrative My School Day had to walk to the main road pulling our heavy trolleys over the platform and the empty parking. The first auto-rickshaw we found after walking for nearly a kilometre, the driver asked for a fare Personal Narrative My School Day learn more here three times than the usual amount. The second auto driver did not even bother to look back. Finally, we managed to hire the third auto-rickshaw when the driver agreed to a double fare, and we asked him to take us to any decent hotel near the beach.

He told us that we would not get any hotel near the beach as it was Karka Sankranti Day and he would take us to a good hotel near Chakratirtha Road. Puri is a popular beach holiday destination in the state of Odisha in the eastern part of India. And for many Bengali, it is like a second home. Unlike me who travelled to Puri two times until now, many Bengalis like to travel to Puri at least once a year.

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And often there are days like this when SSchool accommodation can be a herculean task. This was my second trip to Puri. The first time I went there 17 years back when I was a six grade student. Our team was comparatively larger, consisting of nine members from two link

Personal Narrative My School Day

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