Performance Enhancing Drugs Should Be Banned Video
Performance Enhancing Drugs Should be Banned Performance Enhancing Drugs Should Be BannedThe use of performance-enhancing drugs, or doping, Performance Enhancing Drugs Should Be Banned hardly news. It has certainly occurred since the first Olympic Games took place in B. Article source Olympic champions used hallucinogens and stimulants, as well as herb mixtures in order to improve their fights and stave off fatigue and injuries during their game battles. But unlike before when the use of drugs was perfectly acceptable, it has now been banned in all sports competitions. The reasons for the ban are mainly due to the alleged adverse health effects of the use of them and the belief that it creates inequality and unfair opportunities for players. Yet, despite being banned in sports, the use of illegal substances is still widespread and growing worldwide.

Today, it is not only common among professional athletes, like Lance Armstrong and Alex Rodriguez, but also seen to be rife in schools and gyms across the U. Many people, particularly who are in the sports field, are now relying on performances-enhancing drugs to better their performance, improve their bodies, and keep their careers going. Advocates of PEDs argue that rather than banning, we should regulate the use them.

Performance Enhancing Drugs Should Be Banned And here are the reasons why:. One of the very reasons why performance-enhancing drugs, such as steroids, stimulants, erythropoietin, and here, are banned in Dtugs is because they are believed to cause long-term health effects.
Most athletes, who take PEDs, suffer adverse side effects because they use them with little knowledge and guide from their doctors. Remember that just like other drugs, there is a correct dosage of how much PEDs should be taken by every individual. However, the current ban for using these substances prevents athletes from realizing those benefits; worse, it restricts them from accessing the help and supervision they need.
Without proper regulation, athletes will never know exactly how these substances work and affect their bodies. Allowing performance-enhancing drugs in sports would make our athletes safer because it will make them aware of what amounts of dosage provide maximum benefits and harmful effects.
Proper regulation will also allow athletes to go and seek for qualified physicians than rely to backroom hucksters with no medical background. And if legal, more research Enhanciny be done to make PEDs a lot safer and effective. Another reason why it makes sense to allow the use of performance-enhancing drugs in sports is because they make the game more exciting.
Unlike television shows or movies, sports competitions become more entertaining when you see people perform at the extreme edge of what humans are capable of. All they want is to see them do those things, if possible, over and over again. As what Robinson said, people are willing to pay good money just to see the best athletes play. No matter how expensive the tickets get and how tough the economy becomes, people will continue to watch sports because they are yearning to see something unusual.
And because of performance-enhancing drugs, those yearnings are achieved.
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PEDs make the players stronger, faster, and better in their performance. They make the games worth watching. According to reports, it was one of the greatest seasons ever in the history of baseball.

Now, we all know that both players used PEDs in order to achieve those performances. In fact, people continue to talk about it Shoulf this day and still feel the excitement of what happened more than 15 years ago. Just like what Prof. Max Mehlman said on an article in cleveland. And this benefits all the involved — the fans, the athletes, and the sports industry.]
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