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My Evolution As A Parent Educator

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My Evolution As A Parent Educator

In our childhood, we consider our parents the first teachers. In the process of growing and maturing, we join the educational world going to school at the same time that we are introduced to the school of life. Usually, the beginning of our education starts at home; our parents are the first ones who teach us how to behave with manners and cultural Educafor.

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The education that we received at home can be different for everybody and the reason is different cultures, languages, and religion. As Freire declares Education thus becomes an act of depositing, in which the students are the depositories and the teacher is the depositor. Instead of communicating, My Evolution As A Parent Educator teacher issues communiques and makes deposits which students patiently receive, memorize, and repeat.

Some parents do not realize it, they become oppressors and their children the oppressed. They consider their children inexperienced and ignorant. The parents think that their children have to learn what they teach them without asking or questioning anything, this way they would be integrated Nursing Essays the society accepting the passive role imposed on them. Strepsiades wants his son to join the Thinkery to learn the two logics to save him from his debts.


In the beginning, Pheidippides does not want to join the Thinkery because he believes that people from the Thinkery are crazy and what is taught is a fraud. Finally, Strepsiades persuades Pheidippides and he joins the Thinkery. Strepsiades does not question Socrates methods, he tells Socrates to take his son as his student and teach him the two logics. Paren

My Evolution As A Parent Educator

Stresiades does not care whatever it would take for Pheidippides to learn the two logics. Stresiades sees Pheidippides just as tool that would server the purpose of avoiding to pay his debts.

My Evolution As A Parent Educator

Pheidippides is the oppressed and he can not question or criticize any method that they would use in the Thinkery to teach him the two logics. However, other parents like mine, using a coalition of both educational methods, sometimes talk in a mandatory way Educqtor nothing is negotiable; as Colonel Graff, the head of the battle school, does with Ender. Occasionally, my parents talk to me as a friend in a rational way, sharing their experiences and exposing their problems.

My Evolution As A Parent Educator

We do not see parents just as an authority, we see them as friends, together, through dialogue, critical criteria, and creativity we develop a problem-posing education. He leaves his parents in an early age to join a battle school. Like Ender, I felt the same attraction when I first joined culinary school at age of 13, leaving my family far away to experience one of the biggest in my life. I would be alone in My Evolution As A Parent Educator place where everything and everybody was unknown to me. This life experience was a vital part of my educational journey. Freire thinks that when we find challenges in our life, that relate to ourselves, we develop the power to perceive critically the way of our existence in the world and in which we find ourselves; becoming teachers-students Evoluhion students-teachers.

Graff believes We could be wiped out and it would adjust, it would get on with the next step in evolution. As a species, we have evolved to AAs. And the way we do it is by straining a straining and, at last, every few generations, giving birth to genius. The one who invents the wheel. And light.

And flight. The one who builds a city, a nation, an empire. Graff explains to Ender why they chose him to join the battle school. He tells Ender that they expect him to be a hero and save humanity. As a tutor and teacher.

Ender soon becomes the best strategist and leader of the battle school. Pecola bears the blame for the sins, crimes, mistakes or misfortunes of her parents, she suffers abuses from her parents, and people at the school even the cashier from the grocery Pagent that sees through her. For Pecola, beauty means to have blue eyes. Pecola feels As long as she looked the way she did, as long as she was ugly, she would have to stay with these people.

Somehow she belonged to them.]

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