Opinion you: Hip hop was a cultural movement It
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Hip hop was a cultural movement It Video
Why Hip Hop is World Culture - Ian Lawrence - TEDxMauerParkHip hop was a cultural movement It - the
He transformed his love of New York and photography into a career. Powell was born in and started taking photos in The rest is hip-hop history. He stayed in NYC, even as the neighborhoods and communities changed dramatically. He was cut from special cloth, the last of a dying breed in many ways. Up until his passing, he still walked around NYC with his handheld radio.
When Lansing musician Ozay Moore formed the All of the Above Hip Hop Academy, he wanted to create a learning center for youth to absorb all of the rich cultural teachings hip-hop has to offer. Stepping back from constant touring and settling into Lansing with his family, Moore decided he wanted to create an original after school program that could help with community development through artistic expression.

He believed that teaching Lansing youth the core elements of hip-hop: emceeing, deejaying and dancing, could make a deeper positive impact on the city. Moore met academy instructors, such as James Gardin, Sareem Hip hop was a cultural movement It and Ess-Be, during his time performing shows in the Lansing hip-hop scene. Moore also received a helping hand from longtime Lansing civil rights activist, John Duley, who provided All of the Above Hip Hop Academy a space to host its first summer program. Students immediately took to a curriculum that sharpened their rhyme skills on the microphone; taught them how to produce their own beats using computer software and even showed them how to create their own graffiti-inspired artwork. Instructor and program coordinator James Gardin said see more trick when working with kids at the All of the Above Hip Hop Academy is to help improve and constructively critique their art without erasing their original voice and style.
Like countless other learning institutions, the academy has taken to reaching out to students through Zoom video conference calls.
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Learn more at: Alloftheabovehiphop. Log in Contact us. Tuesday, February 9, Toggle navigation Main menu. Hip-hop academy enriches local youth with rap culture. Posted Tuesday, February 2, pm. Comments No comments on this story Please log in to comment by clicking here.
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