Factors Affecting Student Success - amazonia.fiocruz.br

Factors Affecting Student Success - situation

Engineering students particularly struggle with mathematics in the first year of their university studies. A result of these difficulties are high drop-out rates among the engineering students. There are various measures to support the students in their studies such as preparatory courses or bridging courses. We consider potential factors during the first year of studies. On the other side, mathematics has been identified as an obstacle for engineering students, particularly those in their first year of study e. Croft and Grove ; Harris et al. One result of these problems with mathematics courses was reports of high drop-out rates from various countries e. Godfrey et al. Heublein et al. As a reason for the lack of motivation, some researchers refer to a gap between abstract university mathematics and mathematics that is actually needed to practice the profession Filho et al.

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Factors That Affect Students' Motivation Factors Affecting Student Success Factors Affecting Student Success

There is disagreement among scholars regarding the causes of the racial achievement gap. Some focus on the home life of individual students, and others focus more on unequal access to resources between certain ethnic groups.


The achievement gap affects economic disparities, [4] political participation, and political representation. Over the past 45 years, students Factors Affecting Student Success the United States have made notable gains in academic achievement. However, racial achievement gaps remain because not all groups of students are advancing at the same rates. Evidence of the racial achievement gaps have been manifested through standardized test scores, high school dropout rates, high school completion rates, college acceptance and retention rates, as well as through longitudinal trends.

Factors Affecting Student Success

While efforts to close racial achievement gaps have increased over the years with varying success, studies have shown that disparities still exist between achievement levels of differing ethnic groups. Racial achievement gaps have been found to exist before students enter kindergarten for their first year of schooling, as a "school Affectong gap.

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Six years later, Hispanic-white gaps narrow by roughly a third, whereas black-white gaps widen by about a third. More specifically, the Hispanic-white gap is a half standard deviation in math, and three-eighths in reading at the end of fifth grade. The trends in the Hispanic-white gaps are especially interesting because of the rapid narrowing that occurs between kindergarten and first grade. Specifically, the estimated math gap declines from 0.

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Fatcors In the four years from the spring of first grade through the spring of fifth grade, the Hispanic-white gaps narrow slightly to 0. In a study Clotfelter et al. The white-black achievement gap in both math and reading scores is around half a standard deviation. By fifth grade, Hispanic and white Factors Affecting Student Success have roughly the same math and reading scores. By eighth grade, scores for Hispanic students in North Carolina surpassed those of observationally equivalent whites by roughly a tenth of a standard deviation. Asian students surpass whites on math and reading tests in all years except third and fourth grade reading.

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In Antonio Vivaldi study, LoGerfo, Factors Affecting Student Success, and Reardon found that, starting in the eighth grade, white students have an initial advantage in reading achievement over black and Hispanic students but not Asian students. These differences in initial status are compounded by differences in reading gains made during high school. Specifically, between ninth and tenth grades, white students gain slightly more than black students and Hispanic students, but white students gain less than Asian students. Between tenth and twelfth grades, white students gain at a slightly faster rate than black students, but white students gain at a slower rate than Hispanic students and Asian students.

In eighth grade, white students also have an initial advantage over black and Hispanic students in math tests. Between eighth and tenth grade, black students and Hispanic students make slower gains in math than white students, and black students fall farthest behind. Asian students gain 2.]

Factors Affecting Student Success

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