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Exam Malpractice

Exam Malpractice - for the

The students of the department of Information and Media Studies, Bayero University Kano embarked on a campaign targeted at curbing the menace of examination malpractice among students. Earlier speaking, the lead-campaigner, Mr. Rabiu Musa, said the campaign is an initiative that focuses on curbing the menace of examination malpractice among students which has become an order of the day in our secondary schools and across campuses of the nation which contributed immensely to a trendeous declining of the quality of education in Nigeria. On his part, the Principal of the school, Mal. Ibrahim Isah Ibrahim expressed deep appreciation for finding his school worthy to launch the campaign. He said the campaign is timely and became absolutely necessary due to the rising number of offenders during examinations. The campaign is well-received, with the campaigners upbeat that there will be a drastic reduction of involving in any form of examination malpractice among students by the time the campaign is concluded. Your email address will not be published. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment.

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The funniest exam malpractice Exam Malpractice.

The students of the Department of Information and Media Studies, Bayero University Kano, has embarked on a campaign targeted at curbing the menace of examination malpractice among students.

Earlier speaking, the lead-campaigner, Mr Exam Malpractice Musa, said the campaign is an initiative that focuses on curbing the menace of examination malpractice among students which have become an order of the day in our secondary schools and across campuses of the nation which contributed immensely to a tremendous declining of the quality of education in Nigeria. On his part, the Principal of the school, Mal. Ibrahim Isah Ibrahim expressed deep appreciation for finding his school worthy to launch the campaign. He said the campaign is timely and became absolutely necessary due to the rising number of offenders during Exzm. Exam Malpractice campaign is well-received, with the campaigners upbeat that there will be a drastic reduction of involving in any form of examination malpractice among students by the time the campaign is concluded.

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