Essay on Gender Bias -

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The practice of gender bias can be unconscious or conscious. As a social problem, gender bias can appear in various social contexts: the educational system, the work environment and economy, families, the criminal justice system, politics, religion, and medicine. Even how spoken and written language is structured reflects gender bias, such as use of the pronoun he as the generic word to represent both men and women. Although instances occur where gender bias favors females over males e. Notably, gender bias does not occur in isolation. Often driving gender bias in society is the influence of gender-based stereotypes. These are socially constructed overgeneralizations of particular behaviors attributed to a group, and they play a significant role in the formation of gender bias. Female stereotypes generalize women as emotionally supportive, irrational, physically inferior, and economically and socially dependent upon males. Essay on Gender Bias Essay on Gender Bias

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Essay on Gender Bias - are mistaken

The benchmarks section lists all benchmarks using a given dataset or any of its variants. We use variants to distinguish between results evaluated on slightly different versions of the same dataset. Winogender Schemas is a novel, Winograd schema-style set of minimal pair sentences that differ only by pronoun gender. Stay informed on the latest trending ML papers with code, research developments, libraries, methods, and datasets. Read previous issues. You need to log in to edit. You can create a new account if you don't have one. Or, discuss a change on Slack. Essay on Gender Bias

Essay on Gender Bias Gender bias on Wikipediaalso known as the Wikipedia gender gaprefers to the fact that Wikipedia contributors are mostly male, the fact that relatively few biographies on Wikipedia are about women, and the concept that topics of interest to women are less well-covered. Among contributors to the English Wikipedia The gender gap in participation, among other factors, contributes to a lack of female perspective in both scope and coverage across the project. Sue Gardnerthen executive director of the foundation, said that increasing diversity was about making the encyclopedia "as good as it could be". Factors the article cited as possibly discouraging women from editing included the "obsessive fact-loving realm", associations with the "hard-driving hacker crowd", and the necessity to be "open to very difficult, high-conflict people, even misogynists".

Gender-Based Stereotypes

Herringa professor of information science and linguistics, said that she was not surprised by the Wikipedia contributors' gender gap. She said that the often contentious nature of Wikipedia article "talk" pages, where article content is discussed, is unappealing to many women, "if not outright intimidating".

Essay on Gender Bias

Reagle reacted similarly, saying that the combination of a "culture of hacker elitism", combined with the disproportionate effect Gfnder high-conflict members a minority on the community atmosphere, can make it unappealing. He said, "the ideology and rhetoric of freedom and openness can then be used a to suppress concerns about inappropriate or offensive speech as "censorship" and b to rationalize low female participation as simply a matter of their personal preference and choice. In Aprilthe Wikimedia Foundation conducted its first semi-annual Wikipedia survey. It also reported, "Contrary to the perception of some, our data shows that very few Essay on Gender Bias editors feel like they have been harassed, and very few feel Wikipedia is a sexualized environment.

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A study published in found that there is also an "Internet skills gap" with regard to Wikipedia editors. The authors found Essay on Gender Bias the most likely Wikipedia contributors are high-skilled men and that there is no gender gap among low-skilled editors, and concluded that the "skills gap" exacerbates the gender gap among editors. Their contributions were found to shift the Wikipedia content from pop-culture and STEM towards social sciences and humanities. A study found that women participating in an experiment by editing a Wikipedia-like site tended to view other editors as male, and to view their responses as more critical than if the other editor was gender-neutral. The study concluded that: [25].

Consequences of Gender Bias

Furthermore, the relatively high proportion of anonymous editors may exacerbate the Wikipedia gender gap, as anonymity may often be Essay on Gender Bias as male and more critical. A study by Ford and Wajcman observes that research on the gender bias continues to frame the problem as a deficit in women. In contrast, their central argument states that infrastructure studies in feminist technoscience allows the gender analysis to be taken to a further level. It looks at three issues within the infrastructure: content policies, software, and the legalistic framework of operation. It suggests that progress can be made through altering that culture of knowledge production through encouraging alternate knowledge, reducing the technical barriers to editing, and addressing the complexity of Wikipedia policies. In Februaryin the Pipeline of Online Participation Inequalities, Shaw and Hargittai concluded from their studies that to solve the problems of participation inequality including gender bias requires a broader focus on subjects other than inequality.]

Essay on Gender Bias

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