Essay On Chandragupta Maurya -

Essay On Chandragupta Maurya

Essay On Chandragupta Maurya - Bravo, this

The Mahajanapadas. The nandas added to the Magadhan power by conquering Kalinga from where they brought an image of the Jina as a victory trophy. All this took place in the reign of Mahapadma Nanda. He claimed to be ekarat, the soles overeign who destroyed all the other ruling princes. It seems that he acquired not only Kalinga but also Koshala which had probably rebelled against him. The later Nandas turned out to be weak and unpopular. Essay On Chandragupta Maurya. Essay On Chandragupta Maurya

It does not condemn the varna system. Jains are divided into two major sects; the Digambara meaning sky clad sect and the Svetambara meaning white clad sect. The three jewels or Triratna of Jainism include; Samyak Darshana right faith. It can be obtained through right knowledge, right faith, and right action. Mahavira and Gautama Buddha, both belonged to the Kshatriya clan.

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Jains believe that a person who has right faith and right knowledge will be motivated and able to achieve right conduct. Jainism and Buddhism have greatly influenced the society and culture of India. Jainism principally aims at the attainment of freedom from worldly bonds. This is called Kaivalya.

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Essay On Chandragupta Maurya

Jainism recognised the existence of god but placed them lower than Jina Mahavira. According to Mahavira, a person is born in higher or lower varna as the consequence of the sins or the virtues in the previous birth.

Essay On Chandragupta Maurya

Jainism believed that the main goal of human life is the purification of soul and attainment of nirvana, which means freedom from birth and death. Ready acceptance of simple, asceticpeace-centred principles of Buddhism and Jainism by general folk laity.]

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