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Embracing The Shock Video

Naomi Klein: The Shock Doctrine Embracing The Shock Embracing The Shock

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Founded on April 30, c. To us, Satan is the symbol that best suits the nature of we who are carnal by birth—people who feel no battles raging between our thoughts and feelings, we who do not embrace the concept of a soul imprisoned in a body.

Embracing The Shock

He represents pride, liberty, and individualism—qualities often defined as Evil by those who worship external deities, who feel there is a war between their minds and emotions. All Gods are thus externalized forms, magnified projections of the true nature of their creators, personifying aspects of the universe or personal Embracing The Shock which many of their followers find to be troubling.

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Worshipping any God is thus worshipping by proxy those who invented that God. Since the Satanist understands that all Gods are fiction, instead of bending Embracing The Shock knee in worship to—or seeking friendship or unity with—such mythical entities, he places himself at the center of his own subjective universe as his own highest value.

Welcome from Our Former High Priestess. Membership: Frequently Asked Questions.

Embracing The Shock

Frequently Asked Questions. Photo Credit: Church of Satan Archives. Suggested Reading. Latest News. We Are Legion.

Embracing The Shock

A Moment In Time. This slideshow requires JavaScript.

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