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Durkheim And The Study Of Suicide Video

Durkheim And The Study Of Suicide

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He formally established the academic discipline of sociology and—with Max Weber —is commonly cited as the principal architect of modern social science. From his lifetime, much of Durkheim's work would be concerned with how societies could maintain their integrity and coherence in modernity , an era in which traditional social and religious ties are no longer assumed, and in which new social institutions have come into being. Durkheim would also be deeply preoccupied with the acceptance of sociology as a legitimate science. He refined the positivism originally set forth by Auguste Comte , promoting what could be considered as a form of epistemological realism , as well as the use of the hypothetico-deductive model in social science. For Durkheim, sociology was the science of institutions , understanding the term in its broader meaning as the "beliefs and modes of behaviour instituted by the collectivity," [6] with its aim being to discover structural social facts. As such, Durkheim was a major proponent of structural functionalism , a foundational perspective in both sociology and anthropology. In his view, social science should be purely holistic , [i] in that sociology should study phenomena attributed to society at large, rather than being limited to the specific actions of individuals. He remained a dominant force in French intellectual life until his death in , presenting numerous lectures and published works on a variety of topics, including the sociology of knowledge , morality , social stratification , religion , law , education , and deviance.

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Durkheim And The Study Of Suicide

Durkheim is usually referred to as a realist when it comes to his analysis of society.

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This approach is considered the most successful in sociology. This is proved by the fact that Durkheim is now known as one of the founders of sociology as science and Durkheim And The Study Of Suicide of sociology was influenced by Durkheim's ideas in most countries around the world. Secondly, his ideas are used as key principles in various branches of sociological knowledge and research. All more or less significant sociological theories of the XX century are somehow correlated with his realist theory that also gave birth to the creation of the French School of Sociology. The first argument for Durkheims analysis of the society is his detailed and convincing justifications of society.

He argued that society was a special kind of reality that could not be compared with any other. This reality as a single organism has many functions and at the same way can be influenced by many factors. This is true, and according to Durkheim, the main task of sociology is the study of social facts, to which he attributed primarily so-called collective representations, that is, traditions, customs, morality, and religious beliefs.

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I consider https://amazonia.fiocruz.br/scdp/essay/calculus-on-manifolds-amazon/landscape-in-henry-alan-patons-cry-the.php definition the most appropriate, because it can be said what a society is when studying the above mentioned aspects together. However, one aspect of Durkheims theory can be argued about. In connection with the secularization of public life in society, he saw that society authorizes and justifies moral values and norms instead of God. He told that one needed to make a choice between God and society.

It is not Drkheim to consider here the arguments in favor of the decision, because both of them are close to each other. However, from my point of view, this choice is not very significant.

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Durkheims ideas were reflected in his sacralization consecration of society. However, this defect is often turned into a virtue. Thanks to this feature of his thoughts, the ontological status of society and sociology was established in both professional and in the mass consciousness. As he emphasized, social facts existed independently from the individual and, in addition, they had forced impact on human behavior that prompted a person to act in a certain way.

Durkheim And The Study Of Suicide

The advantage of Durkheims works is that he addressed mainly to the analysis of social factors that influenced human behavior. Here we can mention one of the basic concepts in Durkheim's theory, which is the concept of social solidarity. Durkheim viewed society as a sphere of solidarity and cohesion. This well-observed feature indicates the mechanisms of social life, which ensure the integrity and unity of human society.

I find this explanation exact, because there is not any other mechanism that could unite a huge number of individuals in one society. According to Durkheim, the nature of social solidarity was different in different historical epochs, and this is one more argument for his theory, as here the mechanism of changes that occurred in a society during various historical periods becomes clear. Here he identified two types of solidarity mechanical and organic.

Durkheim And The Study Of Suicide

Durkheim pointed to that fact that mechanical solidarity occurs in undeveloped primitive societies. It is mechanic, because people Stuvy such societies are alike; they are influenced by stable customs, traditions, and religious ideas. In such society, there was no division of labor, and all the people performed similar functions, and their behavior was predetermined.]

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