Copyright and the Internet -

Copyright and the Internet

Copyright and the Internet Video

30 Amazing Facts you may not know -- T Talks Copyright and the Internet

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Photographers often ask themselves how can they can protect the copyright of their images online. It sucks when your hard work goes unnoticed. But it hurts even more when someone else uses your work for financial gain, and you get no credits or remuneration.

Copyright and the Internet

Photography is a profession, and like any other profession, there are rules regarding how business should be conducted. They may not know about the laws protecting your images, but ignorance of the law is no defense; you can make them pay.

Copyright and the Internet

But to be able to do that, you should first:. The moment you take a photo, you immediately own copyright to it. Copyright is an automatic right. But then you cannot claim copyright if you cannot prove you are the owner of the photo.

How Can I Protect The Copyright Of My Images On The Internet?

This is why you should register your work. You cannot enforce rights under copyright if your work is not registered. What are these rights? TIP: Add copyright to the metadata.

1. Register your images with the U.S Copyright Office

You can do this on photoshop and Adobe Lightroom. There are instances one can use your work without your express authorization without legal consequences. But there are limits. You could use your logo or a small section of text to the corner of a photo.

Copyright and the Internet

This helps deter casual image thieves.]

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