Concealed Carry On College Campuses -

Concealed Carry On College Campuses - not clear

AUSTIN - Allowing concealed handgun license holders to tote pistols on college campuses could cost tens of millions of dollars, a burden that could be ultimately passed on to students or siphoned away from education and research programs at Texas universities. Anderson and Texas Southern University. Julie Penne, associate director for external communications at M. Anderson, said the "costs would be covered out of proceeds from patient revenue, which would normally go toward cancer research, education and prevention efforts. She added that MD Anderson leaders agreed with UT System Chancellor William McRaven's opposition to campus carry, and that approving the proposal would create a "less-safe environment" and "a safety risk" for campus police officers "who have an outstanding history of protecting those who visit and work in this institution of healing. Cost estimates were provided to the Legislative Budget Board for inclusion in a fiscal note on the costs of Senate Bill 11, which would allow concealed handgun license holders to carry onto college campuses and universities. But the bill's current fiscal note does not include these campus-specific cost estimates. It acknowledges the systems submitted these estimates, but notes "no significant fiscal implication to the State is anticipated" and "it is assumed implementing the provisions of the bill could be absorbed within institutions' existing resources. DeSilva, communications officer for the board, said leaving out these is standard: "Unless we estimate a bill would have significant fiscal impact on state finances, we don't generally list out or otherwise detail what is submitted for our consideration by agencies or institutions. But Ellis questioned the omission, saying "there are real costs associated with this bill, and the Legislature ought to account for them in a transparent way.

Concealed Carry On College Campuses Video

Concealed Carry on College Campus Concealed Carry On College Campuses Concealed Carry On College Campuses

With the increase in college campus shootings the past few years, many students and faculties have considered carrying while on campus.

Some schools like Kansas universities, are required by state law to allow guns. Many schools, like University of Cobcealed Alabama, are not allowing concealed carry on campus and the students are protesting. The debate concerning concealed weapons on campuses is a heated one, and as of now, each state has the choice on whether or not to allow it. The following are 10 reasons concealed weapons should be allowed on campuses.

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There are many other reasons why concealed weapons should be allowed on campuses, but these 10 reasons are a good start. You can make a difference, which will lead to thousands of students feeling much more safe and comfortable while away at college. Join more than 45, subscribers! Enter your email address below. Adults are able to defend themselves at home with a firearm, but students living in a dormitory cannot. A dormitory is a home for students, so Colllege makes sense to allow them to defend themselves in their home.

Violent crimes have decreased over the last 40 years, while the number of gun owners have increased. Women want to conceal carry just like men do, even though the perception is that men who hunt or have a shooting background are more likely to carry.

Concealed Carry On College Campuses

Campus police cannot be everywhere. When there is an active shooter, a student with a concealed weapon can intervene and save lives. While many people believe this, the families of victims of shooters on college campuses most likely disagree. Students have rights just like everyone else.

10 Reasons Concealed Weapons Should be Allowed on Campuses

They should be able to have their Second Amendment rights even though they are students. Guns have nothing to do with learning. In other words, it does not distract students.

Concealed Carry On College Campuses

Actually, it can be argued that it helps them focus more, as they are not frightened about their safety anymore. Concealed weapons are just that — concealed. Category: Second Amendment Mark Hardy. Mark Hardy has worked in the gun industry since He runs a gun business Campudes he sells and designs new parts and systems for customers. Subscribe to American Concealed Join more than 45, subscribers!]

One thought on “Concealed Carry On College Campuses

  1. You have hit the mark. In it something is also to me it seems it is very good idea. Completely with you I will agree.

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