Comparing I Stand Here Ironing And I Video
A brief summary on “The Legacy'' by Virginia Woolf, and “I stand here Ironing” by Tillie Olsen. Comparing I Stand Here Ironing And I.Rather than help women achieve self-actualization, motherhood actually strands women in lives laden with toil and excessive responsibility.

Olsen offers a representation of motherhood laid bare, shorn of any romantic embellishment. Instead of presenting an ideal example of a nurturing role model guiding her charges to success, Olsen gives us a protagonist who obsessively meditates on the harsher, more bitter realities of family life.
I Stand Here Ironing Analysis
The narrator deflates certain overblown notions regarding motherhood, in particular the Srand of the child-parent bond. The narrator is not evil, abusive, or intentionally neglectful, but she is a conflicted victim of circumstance whose personal resources can go only so far. The narrator is able to meet the basic physical needs of her children but is incapable of forming a deeper, more emotional bond with them. The narrator has endured a life marked by problems and assumes that Emily will endure the same.

The narrator recognizes the powerful influence of poverty and oppressive conditions that women were forced to accept in the early to mid-twentieth century, but she does not deny her own contributions to the maladjusted young woman Emily has become. She offers herself some degree of understanding for the difficulties she faced as a poor and sometimes single mother, but she offers herself no forgiveness.
With the other children, however, the narrator smiled more Irpning became more emotionally engaged. The narrator also held Emily to different standards than the other children.
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