Compare And Contrast Harrison Bergeron And Anthem -

Compare And Contrast Harrison Bergeron And Anthem

Compare And Contrast Harrison Bergeron And Anthem Video

Hawthorne, Vonnegut and Griggs - Science Fiction Comparison Compare And Contrast Harrison Bergeron And Anthem.

Originally published in The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fictionthe story was republished in the Adn Welcome to the Monkey House collection in In the yearthe th, th, and th amendments to the Constitution dictate that all Americans are fully equal and not allowed to be smarter, better-looking, or more physically able than anyone else. The Handicapper General's agents enforce the equality laws, more info citizens to wear " handicaps ": masks for those who are too beautiful, loud radios that disrupt thoughts inside the ears of intelligent people, and heavy weights for the strong or athletic.

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One April, year-old Harrison Bergeron, an intelligent, athletic, and good-looking teenager, is taken away from his parents, George and Hazel Bergeron, by the government. They are barely aware of the tragedy, as Hazel has "average" intelligence a euphemism for BBergeronand George has a handicap radio installed by the government to regulate his above-average intelligence.

Hazel and George watch ballet on television.

Compare And Contrast Harrison Bergeron And Anthem

They comment on the dancers, who are weighed down to counteract their gracefulness and masked to hide their attractiveness. George's thoughts are continually interrupted by the different noises emitted by his handicap radio, which piques Hazel's curiosity and imagination regarding handicaps. She suggests taking a few of the weights out of the bag, but George resists, aware of the illegality Conrtast such an action.

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On television, a news reporter struggles to read the bulletin and hands it to the ballerina wearing the most grotesque mask and heaviest weights. She begins reading in her unacceptably natural, beautiful voice, then apologizes before switching to a more unpleasant voice.

Compare And Contrast Harrison Bergeron And Anthem

Harrison's escape from prison is announced, and a full-body photograph of Harrison is shown, indicating that he is seven feet 2. George recognizes his son for a moment, before having the thought eliminated by his radio.

Compare And Contrast Harrison Bergeron And Anthem

Harrison himself Comparr storms the television studio in an attempt to overthrow the government. He calls himself the Emperor and rips off all of his handicaps, along with the handicaps of a ballerina, whom he proclaims his "Empress". He orders the musicians to play, promising them nobility if they do their best.]

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