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Indira Gandhi was the daughter of Jawaharlal Nehru , the first prime minister of India. She served as prime minister from January to March and again from January until her assassination in October , making her the second longest-serving Indian prime minister after her father. During Nehru's time as Prime Minister of India from to , Gandhi was considered a key assistant and accompanied him on his numerous foreign trips. Upon her father's death in , she was appointed as a member of the Rajya Sabha upper house and became a member of Lal Bahadur Shastri's cabinet as Minister of Information and Broadcasting. As prime minister, Gandhi was known for her political intransigency and unprecedented centralisation of power. She went to war with Pakistan in support of the independence movement and war of independence in East Pakistan , which resulted in an Indian victory and the creation of Bangladesh , as well as increasing India's influence to the point where it became the sole regional power of South Asia. Citing separatist tendencies, and in response to a call for revolution, Gandhi instituted a state of emergency from to where basic civil liberties were suspended and the press was censored.

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It is the fourteenth-most populous city and the twelfth-most populous urban agglomeration of India. Lucknow has always been a multicultural city that flourished as a North Indian cultural and artistic hub, and the seat of power of Nawabs in the 18th and 19th centuries.

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Lucknow city had an area of sq km till Decemberwhen 88 villages were added to the municipal limits and the area increased to sq km. As of [update]there were Profipe in the city. Morphologically, three clear demarcations exist: The Central business districtwhich is a fully built up area, comprises HazratganjAminabad and Chowk. A middle zone surrounds the inner zone with cement houses while the outer zone consists of slums.

Historically, Lucknow was the capital of the Awadh region, controlled Company Profile Of Allahabad Bank the Delhi Sultanate and later the Mughal Empire. It was transferred to the Nawabs of Awadh.

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Inthe British East Link Company abolished local rule and took complete control of the city along with the rest of Awadh and, intransferred it to the British Raj.

It has been listed as the 17th-fastest growing city in India and 74th in the world. Lucknow, along with Agra and Varanasiis in the Uttar Pradesh Heritage Arca chain of survey triangulations created by the Government of Company Profile Of Allahabad Bank Pradesh to boost tourism in the state. According to one legend, the city is named after Lakshmanaa hero of the Hindu epic Ramayana. Lakshmana's city. The settlement came to be known as Lakhanpur or Lachhmanpur by the 11th century, and later, Lucknow.

Company Profile Of Allahabad Bank

The name changed to Lakhanavatithen Lakhnauti and finally Lakhnau. For about eighty-four see more from toAwadh was part of the Sharqi Sultanate of Jaunpur. Emperor Humayun made it a part of the Mughal Empire around Emperor Jahangir — granted an estate in Awadh to a favoured nobleman, Sheikh Abdul Rahim, who later built Machchi Bhawan on this estate. It later became the seat of power from where his descendants, the Sheikhzadascontrolled the region. The Nawabs of Lucknow, in reality, the Nawabs of Awadh, acquired the name after the reign of the third Nawab when Lucknow became their capital.]

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