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Coca Col Unethical Activities

Coca Col Unethical Activities Video

Coca Cola's unethical practices in India HRM project Coca Col Unethical Activities.

Other big corporations giving to Biden inauguration

The cultures of people in different countries can the marketing strategies that a company will use as it enters new international markets. The company has to consider vary many factors of the new international, market place, some of these are political factors, social factors, economic and technological factors.

Coca Col Unethical Activities

Looking at the social cultural factors ethnocentricity is a major factor especially if the new marketplace is in a country with diverse cultures. This is a major challenge because most of these people hold so much to these cultures AActivities it is very difficult to make them adopt your product and link marketing strategies Armstrong G. The cultural activities of these people desires and their likes and preferences, these equip the individuals of the communities with certain value systems and on the other hand compel individuals and the community to comply with certain demands and participate in certain activities Coca Col Unethical Activities G. K for example a large population like football and most of them are at least attached to teams in their locality i. Manchester Everton etc.

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This should be used as a good ground for marketing products and distribution. Britons also have other tastes and preferences that Activitiss with other people i. Some of these diverse likes and preferences will affect the planning and the channels of distributions that will be used. The Japanese people for example produce most of their goods especially electronics locally using cheap labor and locally available materials making it hard for a foreign product to Coca Col Unethical Activities that particular market Ackoff, R.

The French on the other hand are the direct opposite of the Britons in culture and hence in order to penetrate the French market a company should adopt products that have some attributes attached to them i.

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This is because the French culture is that they believe that they are way above the rest and that their civilization is the best hence the type of product that fits them is a prestigious product hence to penetrate this market there is need to position the product ahead of the rest as Coca Col Unethical Activities market leader. In order lure many people to adopt the product Armstrong G. Ethnocentricity has also a great impact on the type of media to use in communication of the product preferences to people of diverse cultures i. The advertising medias range from print visual, audio- visual, billboards and small adverts done in between movies i. In France and Britain the best media to use Coca Col Unethical Activities the print media and audio visual like T.

However, billboards can also be used especially if they are to be set up in roundabouts in towns to remind the people on the product. China and Japan on the other hand need entirely advertisements over the Radio because this is the best media to reach a large number of people Winer, R.

Other factors to consider are the economic factors of the new country.

Coca Col Unethical Activities

How the people spend their money, their power to purchase products and the income distribution among the people I the foreign country.]

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