Bipolar Disorder And Its Stages -

Bipolar Disorder And Its Stages - this phrase

Metrics details. Bipolar disorder is a common psychiatric disorder with a massive psychological and social burden. Research indicates that treatment adherence is not good in these patients. The purpose of the present study was to investigate the knowledge of the family members of a sample of Iranian patients with bipolar I disorder BD-I and to explore the potential reasons for treatment non-adherence. This study was conducted by qualitative content analysis. In-depth interviews were held and open-coding inductive analysis was performed. A thematic content analysis was used for the qualitative data analysis. The viewpoints of the family members of the patients were categorized in five themes, including knowledge about the disorder, information about the medications, information about the treatment and the respective role of the family, reasons for pharmacological treatment non-adherence, and strategies applied by families to enhance treatment adherence in the patients. The research findings showed that the family members did not have enough information about the nature of BD-I, which they attributed to their lack of training on the disorder.

Bipolar Disorder And Its Stages - congratulate

Bipolar anger has been defined by individuals living with the condition as impulsive, intense, and explosive. Growing up, I recall several moments where my anger completely took over. It was as though I was possessed. All it took was for one thing to trigger my anger. Even before I was officially diagnosed with bipolar disorder, everyone in my household speculated that I had it. I lived with a fiery rage inside of me. This led to me doing and saying hurtful things to others. It turned me into a beast. These episodes of anger were so explosive that there were times my mom threatened to call However, that rage still lingers inside of me. Bipolar Disorder And Its Stages Bipolar Disorder And Its Stages

Bipolar Disorder And Its Stages Video

Depressive and Bipolar Disorders: Crash Course Psychology #30

I'm Bipolar Too

When you think about depression, you imagine a sufferer's mental state goes in one direction: down. They are unipolar.

Bipolar Disorder And Its Stages

In the condition once known as manic depression, a patient swings between high and low, up and down, between two poles: in other words, bipolar. The treatment for this strives to find Bipolarr balance, a steadying of that pendulum, a finger to still it. Teresa Chan, clinical adviser at Mind Hong Kong, a charity, gives the textbook definition of bipolar versus unipolar depression: unipolar depression symptoms include lethargy and loss of interest.

Types of Bipolar Disorders

Bipolar comes with an additional set of symptoms - mania - which are opposites to the low mood and apathy of depression as we know it. People with bipolar disorder present with confidence, euphoria, link thoughts and restlessness. Sadie Kaye, a Hong Kong-based TV and radio performer who Bipolar Disorder And Its Stages with bipolar disorder and founded Bipolar Hong Kong, a non-profit community group, and Mental Ideas, a film and media platform supporting mental health awareness, describes what the condition feels like to her.

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At first it sounds almost attractive - to be ignited by such energy, inflamed with can-do. But, as Kaye warns, there are huge downsides: "Life is generally about a degree of predictability, so if your mood suddenly goes up or down, for no apparent reason, it's very hard for you and it's very hard for those close to you. As mania builds, imagination and reality can easily blur. We might hallucinate or experience delusions, typically of grandeur. People with bipolar disorder continue reading disconnect from their lives, and become unhinged in a way that those who battle with unipolar depression don't; they are grounded by their illness, mired by its deadweight.] Bipolar Disorder And Its Stages

Bipolar Disorder And Its Stages

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