![[BKEYWORD-0-3] Biblical Allusion In The Wound Dresser By](https://kbimages1-a.akamaihd.net/Images/842830a7-6b62-4a75-a3da-bffff8411fa6/380/515/85/false/null.jpg?method=scale)
Biblical Allusion In The Wound Dresser By - would like
Out of Asher his bread shall be fat , Which signifies that this tribe would have a sufficiency of food out of their own land, without being obliged to others, and that it would be of the best sort; it occupied a tract of land, as Andrichomius says, reaching from great Zidon to Carmel of the sea, a space of twenty miles in length; and in breadth, from the great sea to Asor, and even to Naason, a space of nine miles; the land of this tribe is very fat, he says, and exceeding fruitful in wine and oil, especially in the best wheat: and in this tribe, as the same writer observes, among other very fruitful places was the valley of Asher, called the fat valley, which began five miles from Ptolemais, and reached to the sea of Galilee, and contained more than ten miles in length; the soil of which was exceeding fat and fruitful, and produced the most delicate wine and wheat, and might be truly called the fat valley, see Deuteronomy Asher's country answered to his name, which signifies happy or blessed: in those parts Christ was much in the days of his flesh on earth; in Cana of this tribe he turned water into wine and in this country discoursed concerning the bread of life himself, who is the best of bread and royal dainties. Deuteronomy ; Psalm ; Psalm ; Isaiah ; in five of which it clearly denotes ruler, or judge. But it is used afterward as the name of a town, now identified as Seilun. This town probably had its name, like many other ancient places from a person of the same name who built or possessed it. From the special conference with Joseph we now pass to the parting address of Jacob to his assembled sons. Biblical Allusion In The Wound Dresser By.And he maketh the earth and them dwell therein to worship the first beast, whose death-stroke was healed. He had two horns like a lamb, and he spoke like a dragon. He makes the earth and Alluion who dwell in it to worship the first beast, whose fatal wound was healed. And he makes the earth and those who are click here it give worship to the first Thf, whose death-wound was made well.
We have, in this chapter, a further discovery and description of the church's enemies: not other enemies than are mentioned before, but described after another manner, that the methods of their enmity may more fully Biblical Allusion In The Wound Dresser By.
They are represented as two beasts; the first you have an account of v. By the first some understand Rome pagan, and by the second Rome papal; but others understand Rome papal to be represented by both these beasts, by the first in its secular power, by the second in its ecclesiastical.
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Rev Those who think the first beast signifies Rome pagan by this second beast would understand Rome papal, which promotes idolatry and tyranny, but in a more soft and lamb-like manner: Biblica, that understand the first beast of the secular power of the papacy take the second to intend Ths spiritual and ecclesiastical powers, which act under the disguise of religion and Biblical Allusion In The Wound Dresser By to the souls of men. Here observe. Chapter 13 We have, in this chapter, a further discovery and description of the church's enemies: not other enemies than are mentioned before, but described after another manner, that the methods of their enmity may more fully appear.
Rev We have here an account of the rise, figure, and progress of the first beast; and observe, 1. From what situation the apostle saw this monster. He seemed to himself to stand upon the sea-shore, though it is probable he was still in a rapture; but he took himself to be in the island Patmos, but whether in the body or out of the body he could not tell. Whence this beast came- out of the sea; and yet, by the description of it, it would seem more likely to be a land-monster; but the more monstrous every thing about it was the more proper an emblem it would be to set forth the mystery of iniquity and tyranny.
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What was Wuond form and shape of this beast. It was for the most part like a leopard, but its feet were like the feet of a bear and its mouth as the mouth of a lion; it had seven heads, and ten horns, and upon its heads the name of blasphemy: the most horrid and hideous monster!

In some part of this description here seems to be an allusion to Daniel's vision of the four beasts, which represented the four monarchies, Dan. One of these beasts was like a lion, another like a bear, and another like a leopard; this beast was a sort of composition of those three, with the fierceness, strength, and swiftness, of them all; the seven heads and the ten horns seem to design its several powers; the ten crowns, its tributary princes; Biblical Allusion In The Wound Dresser By word blasphemy on its forehead proclaims its direct enmity and opposition to the glory of God, by promoting idolatry.
The source and spring of his authority- the dragon; he gave him his power, and seat, and Alluaion authority. He was set up by the devil, and supported by him to do his work and promote his interest; and the devil lent Bublical all click assistance he could.

A dangerous wound given him, and yet unexpectedly healed, v. Some think that by learn more here wounded head we are to understand the abolishing of pagan idolatry; and by the healing of the wound the introducing of the popish idolatry, the same in substance with the former, only in a new dress, and which as effectually answers the devil's design as that did. The honour and worship paid to this infernal monster: All the world wondered after the beast; they all admired his Biblical Allusion In The Wound Dresser By, and policy, and success, and they worshipped the dragon that gave power to the beast, and they worshipped the beast; they paid honour and Biblical Allusion In The Wound Dresser By to the devil and his instruments, and thought there was no power able to withstand them: so great were the darkness, degeneracy, and madness of the world!
How he exercised his infernal power and policy: He had a mouth, speaking great things, and blasphemies; he blasphemed God, the name of God, the tabernacle of God, and all those that dwell in heaven; and he made war with the saints, and overcame them, and gained a sort of universal empire in the world. His malice was principally levelled at the God of heaven, and his heavenly attendants-at God, in making images of him that is invisible, and in worshipping them;-at the tabernacle of God, that is, say some, at the human nature of the Lord Jesus Christ, in which God dwells as in a tabernacle; this is dishonoured by their doctrine of transubstantiation, which will not suffer his body to be a true body, and will put it into the power of every priest to prepare a body for Christ;-and against those that dwell in heaven, the glorified saints, by putting them into the place of the pagan demons, and praying to them, which they are so far from being pleased with that they truly judge themselves wronged and dishonoured by it.
Thus the malice of the devil shows itself against heaven and the blessed inhabitants of heaven. These are above the reach of his power. All he can do is to blaspheme them; but the saints on earth are more exposed to his cruelty, and he sometimes is permitted to triumph over them and trample upon them.]
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