Antigone Paper 13 -

Antigone Paper 13 - perhaps shall

Of the three Theban plays Antigone is the third in order of the events depicted in the plays, but it is the first that was written. Antigone is made up of episodes i. The choral odes have two main functions: they offer a reflection on the events unfolding, and they allow time for the three actors to change costumes. Prior to the beginning of the play, brothers Eteocles and Polynices , leading opposite sides in Thebes ' civil war, died fighting each other for the throne. Creon , the new ruler of Thebes and brother of the former Queen Jocasta, has decided that Eteocles will be honored and Polynices will be in public shame. The rebel brother's body will not be sanctified by holy rites and will lie unburied on the battlefield, prey for carrion animals like vultures, the harshest punishment at the time. Antigone and Ismene are the sisters of the dead Polynices and Eteocles. Ismene refuses to help her, not believing that it will actually be possible to bury their brother, who is under guard, but she is unable to stop Antigone from going to bury her brother herself. The chorus - or a single chorus member - starts to sing, then the chorus enters. They cast the background story of the Seven against Thebes into a mythic and heroic context. Antigone Paper 13 Antigone Paper 13

Antigone, however, believed that she was just as strong as the men who ruled society during that time, which Antigone Paper 13 to her downfall. The goal of the feminist movement has generally been to seek equality between the sexes. Sophocles paints a vivid portrait of a male dominated society. In BC, women believed that they were inferior to men because men held power and influence over the people and the cities. The patriarchy consisted of men who considered themselves of higher importance and standing, and men who would assign women duties and expect them to perform without question.

Antigone Paper 13

This authoritarian rule placed women in a subordinate role and extinguished any hopes of power. Her very existence as the protagonist and, simultaneously, the antagonist defines her character as Antigone Paper 13 adversary of man and thereby the adversary of the world. Antigone confronts the difficult situation of Antigonf or not to bury her brother Polynices against the wishes of her uncle, Creon the king.

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Antigone disagrees and decides to proceed with her plan. Her Antigone Paper 13 thought puts her at odds with her entire family and her own survival. This speaks to the power of feminist thought. Antigone shines as a beacon for her contemporaries and for future generations who aspire to emulate her courage and honor.

Her resolute feminist ideology is perhaps most profound in regards to her interaction and relationship with her misogynistic and powerful uncle, the King of Thebes. Creon is a central patriarchal figure in society, and he renounces his beliefs in order to follow the laws of man.

Antigone Paper 13

He values the laws of man above all other creeds, be they religious or moral. Conversely, Antigone follows the laws of the gods. Antigone Paper 13 holds these principals paramount to the laws of Creon. When her mores, in particular, her family values, are impugned by the oppressive, myopic laws of the day, Antigone clashes with the intolerable, indulgent influence of Creon. This profound allegiance compels her to disregard her place in society, while concurrently adhering to the traditional duty of women of that era. She now embodies a complicated Antigonne dynamic actor in her own story and the narrative of feminist thought.

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Antigone manifests the apogee of human probity, including fortitude and approbation for the gods. The law of the gods mandate that a proper PPaper right be given to a body. She reserves a traditional role as a woman; while also brazenly confronting this image.

Challenging him through word and deed, she verbally criticizes him Antigone Paper 13 ignores his decree against burying her brother. Creon becomes enraged by this rejection of his autonomy and condemns Antigone to death.]

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