Why I Learned The Piano - can not
Do you go for an electronic keyboard? An upright piano? One of those portable roll-up keyboards? This article will be discussing the benefits of choosing an upright piano over the digital options, including a few recommendations for piano brands to choose from and what to look for when testing out your piano. There is no denying that when it comes to instruments , an acoustic instrument is going to be better for performance than a digital instrument. The touch is real, let alone the quality of sound and range of colors you can achieve. However, for beginners who are just starting out their musical journey, thoughts of performance are far, far away. Why I Learned The Piano.![[BKEYWORD-0-3] Why I Learned The Piano](http://www.bespokemusictuition.com/assets/img/resized/maxresdefault-s-w700-h400-q76-m1499695130.jpg)
In music, the dynamics of a piece is the variation in Learnned between notes or phrases. Dynamics are indicated by specific musical notationoften in some detail. However, dynamics markings still require interpretation Why I Learned The Piano the performer depending on the musical context: for instance, a piano quiet marking in one part of a piece might have quite different objective loudness in another piece or even a different section of the same piece.
The execution of dynamics also extends beyond loudness to include changes in timbre and sometimes tempo rubato.

Dynamics are one of the expressive elements of music. Used effectively, dynamics help musicians sustain variety and interest in a musical performance, and communicate a particular emotional state or feeling. Dynamic markings are always relative. There are many factors affecting the interpretation of a dynamic marking. For instance, the middle of a musical phrase will normally be played louder than the beginning or end, to ensure the phrase is properly shaped, even where a passage is marked p throughout.
Similarly, Why I Learned The Piano multi-part musicsome voices will naturally be played louder than others, for instance, to emphasize the melody and the bass line, even if a whole passage is marked at one dynamic level. Some instruments are naturally louder than others — for instance, a tuba playing piano will likely be louder than a guitar playing fortissimowhile a high-pitched instrument like the piccolo playing in its upper register can usually sound loud even when its actual decibel level is lower than that of other instruments. Use of up to three consecutive f s or p s is also common:.
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Signs sometimes referred to as " hairpins " [7] are also used to stand for these words See image. If the angle lines open upthen the indication is to get louder; if they close graduallythe indication is to get softer. The following notation indicates music starting moderately strong, then becoming gradually stronger and then gradually quieter:.

Hairpins are usually written below the staff or between the two staves in a grand staffbut are sometimes found above, especially in music for singers or in music with multiple melody lines being played by a single performer. They tend to be used for dynamic changes over a relatively short space of time at most a few barswhile cresc. Word directions can be extended with dashes to indicate over what time the event should occur, which may be as long as multiple pages.
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The word morendo "dying" is also sometimes used for a gradual reduction in dynamics and tempo. For greater changes in dynamics, cresc. Similarly, for more gradual changes poco cresc. Sudden changes in dynamics may be notated by adding the word subito meaning "suddenly" as a prefix or suffix to the new dynamic notation. Subito piano abbreviated sub. It is often purposefully used to subvert the listener's expectation and will signify an intimate expression. Although it uses the piano p dynamic symbol, the performer has slight freedom in their interpretation, causing it to vary based on the preceding loudness or character of the piece.
Sforzando or sforzatoforzandoforzato indicates a forceful accent and is abbreviated as sfsfz or fz. There is often confusion surrounding these markings and whether or Why I Learned The Piano there is any difference in the degree of accent. However, all of these indicate the same expression, depending on the dynamic level, [8] and the extent of the sforzando is determined purely by the performer.]
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