Welton College in Dead Poets Society - final
Dead Poets Society is one of the first names that comes to mind when asked about a film about teachers inspiring the students. The film is directed by Peter Weir and stars Robin Williams. He plays John Keating, an English professor who has students rip out the pages of a section in a textbook where poetry is measured. This struck a chord with me as I too am scornful of the idea of algorithms deciding the readability of a piece on digital platforms. I wonder how many of the classic novels would have passed such bizarre tests. Keating inspires his students to seize the day and make their lives extraordinary. Welton College in Dead Poets SocietyWhile we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled.
Please consider turning it on! Remember Me. Whatever decided that James should meet the love of his life when she was practically betrothed to one of the biggest political families in Vermont, was a different, cruel, and spiteful force.
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