Was Justinian A Good Or Bad Emperor - can defined?
He received an excellent education, though it was said that he always spoke Greek with a bad accent. However, all these were not enough for Justinian to take the throne. Belisarius, now reappointed commander in chief in the East, launched counteroffensives in and before his recall to Italy. The code synthesized collections of past laws and extracts of the opinions of the great Roman jurists. Similarly, it is asked, what did Justinian's code do? European History: Dec 12, Antonine and Justinian plagues: what did the emperors do?Seems remarkable: Was Justinian A Good Or Bad Emperor
Was Justinian A Good Or Bad Emperor | 754 |
Was Justinian A Good Or Bad Emperor | Graduation Speech Student Of The Month |
Was Justinian A Good Or Bad Emperor | 1 day ago · He received an excellent education, though it was said that he always spoke Greek with a bad accent. However, all these were not enough for Justinian to take the throne. Justinian was known for his campaigns to reclaim the former Roman territories in Italy and North Africa, but perhaps Justinian was made more famous with his “scandalous” marriage to Theodora and the Nika revolt. Belisarius. 1 day ago · Nechama Fertig is the dentist to see on the Upper West Side if you're looking for an honest, caring & gentle dentist. Fertig Dentistry: () 3 days ago · On Justin I’s death on August 1, , Justinian succeeded him as sole emperor. Several of the most-outstanding emperors of the late Roman Empire were of Illyrian origin, including Claudius II Gothicus, Aurelian, Diocletian, and Constantine the Great, most of whom were chosen by their own troops on the battlefield and later acclaimed by the. |
Was Justinian A Good Or Bad Emperor - could not
Early in his reign, Justinian appointed an official, Tribonian, to oversee this task. This mentality led to the revival of the Roman Empire in Byzantine and in its capital, Constantinople. The fact that she told Justinian to crush the Nika Rebellion instead of running away. History remembers Emperor Justinian for his reorganization of the government of the Roman Empire and his codification of the laws, the Codex Justinianus, in A. When Justinian became emperor in , he was determined to revive the ancient Roman Empire, to build a new Rome. He is known for rebuilding Constantinople after the Nika riots had inflicted great damage to the city. What impact did the ottoman empire have on the byzantine empire in 15th century 4. Despite fan loyalty, they attempted to reduce the influence of both teams, but too late.Was Justinian A Good Or Bad Emperor Video
Byzantium II: Rise of Justinian (Justinian Part 1) Was Justinian A Good Or Bad Emperor.Well, let me start it off. Justin, as we know from class, was a Christian leader, and his religious views https://amazonia.fiocruz.br/scdp/essay/is-lafayette-a-hidden-ivy/on-january-13-2017-with-full-military.php him make decisions. Now, back then, different religious groups would be weary of each other, and even now, a Ejperor of people are starting to be afraid of people that follow Islam. This usually comes when a person is not educated on another groups' religious views, and so might be the case with Justin.

Justin was trying to look out for his people, so he tried to do it in a way in which he thought was right; giving the Jewish people less rights. Now, at the time, it must have been seen as a good idea.

The people were weary of the Jewish people and what they value, so they may have said against it. Keep in mind, at this time, places were conquered and claimed for that religion. As Constantinople was founded by a Justijian leader, one may assume that the leader would claim it in the name of God Christianas a Jew would claim it for YHVH, and as a Muslim would claim it for Allah.
Go here you for reading. K Per. I feel that the good dose NOT out way the bad. I feel this way because by allowing the law for anti-semitism Justinian broke all of the traits for a leader to be called great.
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By allowing this new law he no longer portrays fairness because it is un-fair that Jewish people are denied their citizen rights just because of their religious affiliation. Trustworthiness because he is obliviously biased and favors different religions over others and in our society now Was Justinian A Good Or Bad Emperor a leader was even the littlest bit biased we would of kicked them out of office in a heart beat. Citizenship because it says that you have to " Now this quote really is saying that you have to be nice to everyone and this is not even close to nice for Jewish people, and finally he broke the trait of respect because he broke his own basic Laws and Justice code.
Showing that he doesn't respect his own laws that he wrote himself. He broke this law because is states and I quote, "Justice is the constant and continuous wish to render everyone his due Now if Justinian broke all of the traits for greatness than why are we still calling him one of the greatest leaders?

Sara K. Your view has made me change mine. I realized after reading your response that he did go against his own morals by not vetoing that law. If he was truly a great leader, he would not have done that. He also as you explained did not demonstrate fairness and equal rights for all people.
what impact did justinian have on the byzantine empire?
The Jewish people were not even basic civil rights and Justinian by here this, promoted anti-semitism. Yo could as I said say he was a product of his time but as I noticed, he is a major hypocrite when he says that you have to " Thank you for helping me switch view points, -Morgan Period Justinian was Not considered a fair leader.
He didn't include all citizens in the Byzantine Empire. He gave zero rights to the Jews. Besides that he was a good leader. If he wasn't anti-semitisim leader, He would be one of the best empire leaders ever. I agree with Click here P. Justinian was really an excellent leader who helped Rome get back on their feet. The older Rome fell for so many reasons, and one of those main reasons is political corruption.
Justinian brought back political corruption by creating laws that stopped Jews from living their normal life. Like Adam P.]
Many thanks how I can thank you?